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Tony's pov bc I love him
Also, ironstarange ;)

I was dreading today. Not because there was a robot attack, or a giant purple raisin threatening to wipe out half the universe, nor because a flamboyant frost giant had come to take over earth, but because today, I was taking the avengers to Disneyland. Trying to get the avengers to behave and stick together whilst we were out was harder than any alien attack. Bucky was always wondering off, returning with some sort of animal to a worried Steve, Wanda and vision where always messing with strangers, Clint was always fighting with sam about birds or something, peter and Shuri where always trying to make the best 'meme' of t'challa (who remained completely oblivious), Loki was always trying to scare Thor, and Bruce was always dawdling at the back with Natasha.

I got out of bed reluctantly and woke up Stephen. He groaned slightly but eventually got up and gave me a kiss before I headed to Steve and Bucky's room to wake them up. It was four in the morning, we wanted to get a head start so we could spend the whole day at Disneyland. I opened the door slowly to reveal the two supersoldiers tangled in sheets. Steve looked like a literal angel while he slept, but Bucky in the other hand was a little less graceful. He had his limbs spread across the whole bed like a starfish, and his mouth wide open, snoring loudly. I tried to contain my laughs as I made my way over to Steve, shaking him to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me confused.
"Hey cap- we need to head off soon. I'll leave you to wake up sleeping Beauty over there" he looked over at bucky and smiled softly, stroking some hair out of his face. My heart melted. I am the #1 stucky shipper. I made my way out of their room and walked into the living room, where peter, shuri and ned where all sleeping on the couch. I went over to them and clapped my hands loudly. They all groaned as they sat up, glaring at me.
"Time to get up kids! We're going to Disney Land!" I started walking away when I noticed a sleeping figure under the couch. When I dragged him out from under the couch, I found it was Clint, with a bird drawn on his forehead. The kids laughed as I sighed.
"He fell asleep during the movie, so we put him under the couch.. and I wanted to practice my drawing skills sooo.." shuri trailed off as they all burst into laughter. Clint woke suddenly and stood up, pretending like he wasn't just on the floor. I sighed and went to go wake the other avengers.

When everyone was fully awake and present, we headed onto the jet and took off. This was going to be one hell of a trip. The journey was okay, there was a few almost-arguments between sam and Bucky, but they were split up by Steve who made them go to 'time out'. The jet landed and we rushed out, excited to get to the hotel and freshen up. I fished out room keys to the groups that were sharing and told them all to meet me back in the lobby in half an hour.

*half an hour later*

"Okay listen up everybody! Avengers! Assemble!" I shouted, but only Barnes seemed to notice. He was staring me dead in the eye, a deadpan expression.
"Guys" He simply stated, and everyone turned to look at him.
"Listen to the coke can" he states again, and everyone's attention is on me. I hide my hurt expression that they listened to Barnes and not me. He simply smirks at me, taking Steve's hand.
"Okay- Thanks Bucky- right. Guys, this is a big park, Alright? I don't want any missing person reports at the ends of today, okay? Peter I'm looking at you. Okay, stick with a partner alright, no wondering off" I glare at Bucky.
"Okay guys, meet me here at 1 so we can get lunch, have fun!" I say, and everyone immediately goes to find someone to walk around with. Bucky and Steve link arms, Clint and Natasha are all chatting in a huddle, t'challa and sam have gone over to Steve and Bucky and look as if they will be walking around with them. Bruce and Thor are flirting at the back of the group, being glared at by Loki, who is standing all alone.
"Hey mr Loki sir- you can walk around with us- I mean I-if you want-" peter stutters, gesturing to ned and shuri. He smiles softly and joins their little group.

Me and Stephen wonder off and find a ride to go on. I see Thor standing in the line with Bruce, so we wonder over to them.
"Tony!" He shouts, and Bruce rolls his eyes at his loud friend. We ride to rollercoaster and eventually head to the lunch spot, where we see the rest of the gang looking dishevelled. I send them questioning looks and they remain quiet. We order our food and I notice Steve looking a little nervous next to me. I ask if he's okay quietly and he nods, pulling out a small box from his pocket and glancing at Barnes.
"Should I??" He whispers, nerves clear on his face and I try to hide my excitement.
"Yes!! When?!" I whisper shout and he smiles, blushing.
"Now?" I have to stop myself from passing out as I am overwhelmed with cuteness. I nod and remain calm as he strokes Bucky's shoulder softly. Barnes turns and looks at him as he gets on one knee.
"James Buchanan Barnes- my whole life I have been in love with you, and I plan on loving you for the rest of my life. We have had our ups and downs, highs and lows, but you have always stuck by me and protected me. Your my soulmate Will you make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?" Steve was blushing. Bucky was close to tears as he nodded frantically and hugged Steve tightly, whispering I love you's. Everyone clapped and a few people cried as the two supersoldiers stood proudly.

Every year after that, the avengers went to Disneyland and made a sort of tradition of of it.

Avengers (stucky) one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ