Chapter 37: She Means Everything

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Screams of joy filled the air, as one by one, fireworks burst in the air. I gulped, my eyes widening at the sight.

My thoughts drifted to earlier, my eyes becoming watery.

"Stay away from her!" I screamed, witnessing the fallen and almost lifeless Stella. She was lying on the cold ground, near Life's feet. I wanted to strangle Life. I couldn't fully explain in words the amount of fury that was within me, due to seeing her in her poor state.

"Crystal..?" She barely voiced, choking on her words.

"It's okay, Stella. Whatever Life wants from you, don't give in. Don't agree to anything he wants, okay?!"

Life smirked. "You're a little too late, Prudence... she's already had a sample of the poison I'm about to introduce to the world." My eyes widened at Life's words, his voice indifferent to the pain he knew he would be causing to so many. "Soon, she'll be nothing but a thought, for her body will demolish from the inside out."

I rushed over to Stella, gently cradling her in my arms, as I knelled beside her. Brushing her cheek with my hand, I allowed my tears to escape, feeling the coldness of those tears stream down my burning cheeks.

Stella raised her head, revealing her sunset brown eyes as she stared into mine. It was as if she was staring into my soul. I gulped as I waited for her to speak. "Um..." She murmured. Her lips then curved into a smile as her cheeks reddened. "You look..." She stared off into the distance behind me, as she began to feel more shy and uncomfortable. What did I do? It made me feel even more awkward than I already had. "You look... like an angel." She finally finished, her eyes squinting at me, showing her beautiful smile.

Evan stared at me, with a brow raised, and then at Fiona, who had a smirk plastered on her face. She found this amusing. And as far as Devin, well, he still looked as if he were somewhere else, with his wandering eyes.

"Like an angel"? Those words repeated in my mind. If only she knew how I was the complete opposite. But, for some reason, those words had warmed the heart that I didn't know existed underneath my thick skin.

"Sorry," Stella's eyes enlarged, realizing the silence and the stares that her words had caused.

"Don't be sorry." I rushed to say. I didn't want her to feel bad for saying the one thing that actually made me feel accepted. "I liked hearing you say that," I heard myself say. Her smile widened, as she gained back the spark in her eyes. I returned her smile with mine.

I allowed my mind to continue exploring some of my fondest memories with Stella.

"I've never... I've never kissed anyone," she admitted.

"Really?" Wow, that was surprising.

"Yea..." Her eyes then seemed to dilate, as they focused back on my eyes. "I guess, I was scared. I-I don't know what to do with my lips, or how to kiss. And, well, I didn't want to be bad at it, and make you think less of me, or-"

"I would never think less of you," I immediately cut her off.

Her eyes squinted, as her smiled widened. "Thank you," She breathed.

The time I thought I was going to reveal my biggest secret to her.

"Stella," I breathed, as the door opened, revealing her beautiful face.

"C-Crystal." Her eyes widened as she looked at me, from head to toe. "W-what are y-you doing here?"

I halfheartedly smiled. "I couldn't stop thinking about you," I admitted.

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