Chapter 39: Goodbye

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"That might not be the case."

Holding Stella close to me, our heads turned towards the direction of the deep voice.

"G-God?" What is he doing here? My eyes furrowed in frustration, as all the things he's done comes surfacing in my mind like a plague. It was because of him that any of this happened! And it's because of him that I was lost without answers as to what I should be doing while on Earth. It was because of him that Stella was bounded to Earth. "What the heck do you want?" I didn't bother putting on a facade with him. After all, I had every right to be upset with him.

God's slight smile lessened ever so slightly. Waving his hands in front of him, he took a courteous step forward.

"Grim, no need to be hostile with me."

I arched a brow. He can't be serious.

"No need? No need?!" I was about to stand up, but I was stopped in my tracks by a tugging at my arm.

"Crystal, no." She rubbed my arm soothingly. "Don't argue with God." Ugh.

I inhaled then exhaled, closing my eyes to calm down my nerves.

"We were just saying our goodbyes." The words were bitter coming off of my lips.

"Grim, I've got a story to share with you." He then looked at Stella. "The both of you. Won't you listen?"

I mean, I was not really in the mood for story time right now, considering the time and place, but sure, why not?!

"Okay," I simply answered, sitting back down into Stella's arms.

"I would love to hear your story," Stella smiled. How could she be so positive with him?

"I've always liked you, Stella. Your just like your mother." I rolled my eyes at that. 

Stella didn't respond, but her smiled widened, reaching her eyes at the thought of her mother. She must miss her.

Smiling, God began his story about his love for the world and his value for his creations.

"There was once a young woman named Prudence..."

"I don't like where this is going... oww!" Stella nudged me with her elbow. She giggled, putting a finger to her lips, shushing me. I let out a sigh. "Continue."

God smiled. "Right, where was I?" He tapped his finger on his cheek, pretending to be in some deep thought. "So, there was a woman named Prudence," he restated. "And this woman lived in a town filled with stealth and deceit, though she had a particularly good heart and wanted to stray away from those behaviors. Through someone else's fault, she got a consequence. She then blamed me for her suffering, in which I gladly soaked in."

My brows twitched, as I listened to God trying to unravel my life to me.

"Darkness seeping through her veins, she had a choice. She had a choice to be the human she was or the evil that was taking over. She went through many challenges: forgetting her compassion for people, forgetting who she once was, forgetting her trust in me. That was until she faced a new challenge, viewing life as a human again, meeting new humans, and even making new friends. Little did she know, I knew Evan was going to die that day, just like I knew he would become friends with Stella years before."

My eyes widened at his words.

"Just like I knew Life was just kissing up to me, acting like he didn't have alternative motives in what he thought the ideal world was like. I knew he would betray me, and so I placed you all in places leading up to this point for this very reason. To save you all. To give Earth another chance. To give humanity another chance. Because, Prudence, as you may know now through all of your tests, humans are not perfect. They are far from it."

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