Chapter 32: The Blessing

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Crystal's P.O.V.

24 years ago...

I didn't usually do this. I didn't usually take a break from my work to teleport down to Earth like this.

"Hmm," the woman moaned on the bed. I gazed at the machine next to her with tubes connected all around. On the table were a few scissors, laparoscopic sponges and a speculum. Looking at that expression on the woman's face, I could tell that she was feeling discomfort and bothered, and so I grabbed a hold of her hand like I would see others do.

That was still an action that humans would do when in circumstances like this, right?

"Thank you."

My eyes widened as her hand tightened on mine.

I felt something resolve within me, as a smile then crept on her face.

A doctor with a mask and gloves came in for a second to put down more instruments for the procedure on the counter I was next to. And through all of this, he walked right past me, without even realizing I was there. Only she could see me right now.

After he departed, the woman continued to talk.

"I don't know what I have done to deserve such a blessing." Huh? What blessing? She turned her head on her pillow to look into my eyes. "Why is an angel such as yourself being sent to me to bless my child?"


Stella's P.O.V.


Gazing at the flyer in my hand, I read the words in bold on top:

Join us this weekend for the festival where there is a spectacular fireworks show and an open grill!

As everyone was looking forward to celebrating and getting together, I couldn't bring myself to join them, for I would be in no mood to party.

Every day felt longer and every night felt more haunting. I could never fall asleep without thinking of you and worrying about you. And when I would wake, I would continue to think of you and it pained me to not see you anymore.

I had a dream last night and you were in it. But, I then woke up and realized it was only a dream. You weren't here. And I wouldn't see you for who knows how long.

Devin had suggested that I should go on dates and cheer up. Even Fiona and Daniel agreed, though Evan just watched all of this with a slight frown. But, I couldn't do that... not when you're the only one in my heart and the only one occupying my thoughts.

Before I knew her, before I knew Crystal, I never truly loved. I never truly understood what love was supposed to feel like.

It was after she was gone when I had realized that she was the only one I could ever love, and believe me when I say I was deeply and heart-achingly in love.

Love is painful and heartbreaking, but even so, it was worth the wild ride into the realm of uncertainty, because, in the end, it's love that will save us.

I had to believe that.

Crystal... where are you?

I lied on the grass in the park, looking at the sky and all of the clouds.

Will my heart ever be whole again?


Crystal's P.O.V.

The 7th circle of Hell

"It feels colder in here than I remember," I said, shivering.

"Nothing has changed, Prudence. You just haven't been down here for a while. After all, you only ever visited a couple of times for special cases, right? Otherwise, you're in the nothingness, the only zone where time doesn't exist."

I sighed as I looked around this muggy place with a bit of disliking. Earth was so colorful and beautiful, nothing like this. Why would God want to destroy something so beautiful? I thought.

"So, what did Life want with Lucifer?" I started the series of questions that ran through my mind ever since we got here.

Faith walked beside me, with an expression revealing uncertainty and confusion.

"I ran away before I had the chance to ask that very question to Life." She then shrugged. "I have no idea his plans for Lucifer. But it can't be good. Nothing good can come of working with Satan."

"Indeed. Lucifer was always the most rebellious angel. Even seeing him in hell a few times through the centuries, he hadn't seemed the slightest different. He remained his usual narcissistic self."

Faith let out a slight chuckle at that. "Maybe it's that kind of behavior that we'll need by our side."


"What is God's biggest fear?"

I thought for a moment. "Being disobeyed..? Maybe that one day everyone will turn on him?"

"Exactly," Faith nodded her head, her eyes lit up with a spark in them. "I didn't want to come back down here unless I knew we would be on the same page, Prudence. But, since I'm not the only one who thinks Earth is in danger, I know we can proceed now."

I felt my heart ache in my chest for a moment, like a stinging sensation within me, in my chest, after the alarming reminder of Earth's possible fate and everyone who lived there.

We needed to see Lucifer and find out how and why he is associated with Life.

Just how close are they?


Stella's P.O.V.


"It feels empty in this house now." Evan asserted, folding the bed sheets in the guest room where she used to stay in.

"Yea..." I murmured, assisting him with the folding of the blanket.

"What's weird is that even while the rest of them are here, it still feels that way."

"Like what?"

"Like something is missing."

We both looked at each other for a moment, allowing for a bittersweet silence to accompany us, as the leaves were rustling outside.

"Well, something is."


Crystal's P.O.V.

"Wait. What is this?"

We both stared at the door that held the secrets of the underworld, and it was the same door that lead to Lucifer's wings. Both of our breaths were taken away.

"It's open," Faith pointed out.

"Someone got here before us."

This was alarming. Very alarming.


Thanks for reading!

And thank you to every one of you guys who constantly vote, comment and share this story. I love you guys!


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