Chapter 25: Dark Faith

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Sometimes, a chose has to be made...


"How- how are you even here? What happened to you?" I needed to know.

"There you go again. Always wanting to know everything. Why can't things just be?" Faith sighed.

"You're starting to sound a lot like Life," I had referenced.

Faith lightly chuckled, and she placed a hand on my shoulder, changing the subject.

"Did you like my present?"

I arched a brow. "My present?"

"I brought down your scythe for you."

"Wait you did that?!" I questioned her. "But why? How?"

"After my body was desolated, Life had made a deal with me. Instead of going directly to Hell as a 'sinner', I would listen to his every command, and in return, I would be granted the permit to travel in different realms." I didn't notice this prior, but her smile widened, and within that smile, I saw something different, impure, much like darkness. She raised her hand, her palm facing the ceiling, as if she was holding something up. "And, on my spare time, I encountered some interesting people, and I learned how to balance certain Dark Magic." My eyes enlarged, as Faith had generated a violet fire aura in the palms of her hands. It hovered and levitated an inch away from her hand. I felt my lower lip dropping ever so slightly, as I looked at it both impressed and guarded.

"That's very impressive." I acknowledged, mimicking her trick.

"It's just for show," she dismissed my praise. "I learned much more useful power that I would love to show you, Dear. But, I would need your help." I looked at her, anticipating what she would say next and taking all of this in. "After hearing that you were banished to Earth, I did everything I could in order to get to you as fast as I could. I missed you, Prudence... my Prudence." She held my hands, hers cold. I shivered at the contact, but soon, I found myself gripping onto hers more.

I did miss her. That was true. But she was a long-lost lover that I had lost centuries ago. I had forced myself to get over her, but in truth, nothing ever goes away. Your love for someone will never go away. The best someone can do is let it take over them or convince themselves that it's gone. But it never is.

"Come with me."


"Yes, come with me. We both hate it here and what Life, Death and God has done to us here. And don't forget how bad the people were, especially the men who thought of us as servants and property." She looked at me with hope, and determination and strive was evident in her voice. "Let's destroy this Realm and create a new world where we can start again and create a perfect society."

Destroy Earth? Make a perfect society? It was strange. Faith had every right to be mad, but she was suggesting on punishing all of the people who were living here today, though they had no part of what happened to us in the past. But, more so, she was talking about ending a race altogether, which sounded crazy. And 'a perfect society'? I only ever heard God say those words, which was quite ironic in the situation.

"We can't just demolish a race," I vocalized my concern. "I can see that you're angry. You have a right to be, and I was too at a time. Sometimes, I feel that way now. But, you're living in the past. All of those things happened in the past, the people, the thoughts and mindset. If you were to experience the world now, like I have, you would see that some things have changed."

She looked at me for a second, being despondent. Her brows then lowered, her expression changing. "I thought you out of everyone would know and understand where I'm coming from. I thought you would agree with me and want to change the world." She then got off the bed and headed towards the door, leaving me speechless on the bed. Turning her head to the side, she looked back at me.

"I think I might start by killing your precious Stella, the same way I was killed." My body stiffened on the bed, as I felt my heart stopping in my chest at her words. "The joy I will get watching her skin going in flames. Then perhaps you'll actually choose me."

Without further a due, I transported myself right in front of her. "Don't you dare harm her. Leave her out of this!"

She held a crooked smile, and testing my patience, she took a step forward and glared at me with her piercing stare.

"She's a distraction. She will never love you. She can't love you!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop it!" I yelled, covering my ears, in denial.

"She saw the real you, isn't that right? And what did she do? Every cell in her body shook. She was scared, terrified of you. She is afraid of you, because you're a monster. But it's okay..." She grabbed a hold of my hands once more, rubbing the top of my hands with her thumbs. "...because you're my monster. I'll take out Stella for us-" Faith's sentence was cut short, as all the air in her released, feeling a sharp pain in her stomach.

Looking at her pained me, because I had just destroyed her bond with Stella's body. My cloaked hand penetrated through Stella's body, but due to my abilities, my power didn't affect Stella's body at all. Instead, it just broke the connection between Faith's soul and Stella's.

"I knew it." Faith coughed. "You would choose Stella over me, though I'm the one you loved first."

"I'm sorry, Faith." I whispered, as her eyes slowly flickered, as she was losing consciousness. "I'm so sorry..." I repeated before her body went numb and began to fall. I caught Stella, holding her close to my chest, in my arms. "...but I can't let you hurt innocent people."

I stroked Stella's hair and began caressing her head.

Possession was always a tricky matter. The amount of time for someone to regain consciousness depended on that person's stamina, but even so, it was inconclusive. All I could do was wait.


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The ReaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora