Chapter 33: the Forbidden Door (Part 1)

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Evan's P.O.V.

It seemed more dreary today than most days. The clouds were puffy and invading every inch of the sky leaving the Earth's surface cold and ominous. The sun seemed lost behind those clouds, as though it fought with the clouds in order to be seen, yet it ended up losing anyway, being forgotten under its fog.

There was something else too.

We seemed to be lost in that same fog...


Crystal's P.O.V.

"I don't understand..."

I slowly walked into the room with Faith by my side, looking at the decaying walls, noticing the dust that had collected.

"Does anyone else know about this room besides Lucifer?"

I thought for a moment. "The only other person would have been Death because he was the former Grim Reaper." I let out a sigh.

Faith seemed as confused as I was, but kept her composure. "Let's look around but don't touch anything."

I nodded, and we began our search.


Evan's P.O.V.   

I just had finished gathering the wood for the fireplace, and I smiled as I started it. I instantly felt the warmth of the burning wood as I cupped my hands near the fireplace. It was quite chilly today, the temperature dropping at random.

I didn't remember ever hearing anything from the news that it would be this cold. I had a couple of jackets on over my many layers of clothing, and I wore all of this in my house. Of course, lucky for me, the thermometer had been broken for the past month. Just my luck.

"Hey," Death joined me, sitting beside me with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. Though Grim had to go for obvious reasons, it was decided that Death would stay in order to be the eyes over Earth and to be our protector until they would return. Honestly, I was more than glad that Death stuck around. I didn't know what I'd do without him. And this house would feel so much more empty and lonesome without his presence.

Death took a sip before moving the rem of the cup close to my lips. I looked down at the liquid and then concentrated my eyes on his, his beautiful dense blue orbs.

"Take a couple of sips. It'll warm you up faster than the fire."

I nodded, allowing him to feed it to me like a baby bird. He really treated me as if I were one. I actually didn't mind it though.

"Hmm." I allowed the taste of the melting chocolate to linger on my tongue for a while longer before I swallowed. It was so good, and like he said, it did instantly warm me up as the heat of the drink traveled down my throat and into my chest, reaching my stomach.

I began to think about Crystal and even Faith. It's been over a month and they are still out there somewhere far away from us. They were out there fighting for our survival, fighting for our safety, meanwhile, we remained here enjoying our daily lives. I then allowed my mind to go else where, as a new thought rose. Everyone here on Earth was clueless as to what danger Earth was in and they had no idea that someone was out there risking her life for them.

What possibly bugged me the most about all of this was the fact that many were trained to believe that the Grim Reaper was a bad essence, something and someone to avoid and to be feared.

Yes, that's what angered me the most.


I hadn't realized I was gazing so deeply into the soul of the fire, watching it burn as my eyes went under a daze, my mind drifting into immense thoughts.

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