Chapter 23: The Thief of My Heart (Part 1)

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Sniffles filled the air, as the little girl cried in her mother's room. Her grip on her teddy bear tightened, but she was careful to not expand the tear any further. "It's broken... I broke it." There was an evident shamefulness in which dampened her voice.

"Oh, Sweetie, you didn't mean to," Her mother tried to assure her. "Let me see it." The little girl's eyes lifted, and she managed to look into her mother's eyes, through her eyelashes. "Will you let me hold Beary?" She furthered.

Slowly, the girl nodded, before extending her arm. The mother curved her lips into a minuscule smile, as she examined the small slit that lied across the shoulder. "What you should know is that these sorts of things can easily be fixed. All you need is to tend the area with a little bit of love and patience." She had informed.

"Love... and patience," She repeated to herself, internalizing the words.

The girl watched with amaze, as her mother soon moved the needle, sewing the last thread into the bear, repairing it, making it whole again. Returning the bear to her daughter, she kissed her forehead and got out of her kneeling position.

She hugged her bear tightly, filled with gratitude, when suddenly, an overwhelming feeling began to consume her, leaving a sneaky tear to escape her eyes. "M-mom." The girl abruptly shrieked, surprising the both of them, as she tugged onto her mother's arm, prohibiting her from walking away.

Tilting her head to the side, she squinted her eyes, confused by her daughter's sudden change in her mood. It began to frighten her, for she would always be so lively and sweet. And to see her crying...

"What will happen when you are not here? How will I be able to fix things on my own?"

For being only 5, her daughter was very exquisite and insightful. Maybe too much for her own good sometimes, for not all words were meant for a child's ears.

She smiled warmly at her child, as she knelled to her level once more. She then pressed her fingers on the hook, from the back of the necklace she wore, and lifted it in front of herself. The child watched in awe, anticipating her mother's next words.

"I might not always be around, Stella..." She paused to put the necklace around her neck. "...but at least you'll always have me with you."

A small smile was soon plastered across Stella's face, as she squinted her glossy eyes. She felt the locket in her hands, soon tightening her fingers around it. "I love you, Mom!" She beamed, rushing into the comfort of her mother's affectionate arms.

"I love you too."


The petite brunette looked at her reflection in the mirror, playing with her hair, intrigued.

Stella, Stella... Stella.

The girl held a crooked smile, as she repeated that name in different tones and rhythms in her head.

She pressed her index finger on the bridge of her nose, lifting it up, playfully, posing as if she were a pig, widening her eyes. She mocked herself, clearly amused.

"Hello... hi... why yes, I would be Stella." She cleared her throat, and started again, with a new expression on her face, appearing more serious. Raising her hand in front of her, as if her reflection was another person, she greeted the mirror. "My name is Stella. I am always so kind and gentle, and I love Crystal."

Her expression changing again, her smile widened, almost sinister like, as laughter filled her head, that laughter ascending and echoing louder and louder in her mind.

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