Chapter 31: Departure

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Crystal's P.O.V.

I knew this day was coming sooner or later. I guess this was it. I had to say goodbye to them, and what's worse is that I couldn't give them an answer, for I didn't even know.

I watched the portal flash every few seconds, signaling that it was closing soon.

This was it...


An hour earlier...

The cry of the thunder couldn't be any louder, any more cautioning. And the darkness behind that door glowed brilliantly, like a thousand stars ready to burst to stardust.

Before witnessing what threatened us at the door, I could already sense the danger. I felt it in my blood, rushing in my skin. And what's worse, I could see it in Stella's eyes as I looked into them. She could sense it too.

The woman stood in the doorway, as the door cracked violently, hitting the wall as it opened. Evidence of the rain soaking on her clothes and dripping from her hair.

Her brown eyes deepened under the night's shadow, and her heart pounded recklessly in her chest, as she inhaled the air over and over again, desperate to catch her breath.

"Who is she?" Evan whispered, looking at Death for reassurance and protection.

"I do not know." He said, uncertain. But he was not reluctant to stand up and walk towards her.

"Faith," I whispered. Death stopped in his tracks to look back at me. Arching a brow, his eyes widened, as realization filled them.

"This is Faith? But she doesn't look like-"

"That's her human form," I spoke out, approaching her. After all, Death may had known Faith at some point, he had never seen her human form. Only I and Life have. And on Earth, she might as well be one of them, though she clearly was so much more now.

I made sure to never let my gaze go elsewhere.

"What are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you."

"Crystal!" I felt the soul inside of me falter for a moment at the sound of Stella's voice from the distance. I didn't want to turn my head to look at her. I didn't know what Faith's tricks were tonight. I couldn't let my guard down. "Be careful!" I nodded, but she didn't have to worry. Like I had said to her prior, I am practically unstoppable. Fighting with me would be pointless for any civilian or being. Fighting me was like asking to die- a death wish.

Faith tilted her head to the side, looking at me as if hurt by my hostility.

"Got rid of me?" She emphasized. "You wouldn't really want to get rid of me, would you?" Though her eyes seemingly always had that twisted look of certainty and comprehension, this time seemed different. It was like she was internally battling with all the things she thought she knew and all of things that could prove those thoughts wrong. It seemed to scare her for a second. "Nevertheless, I am not here to cause trouble."

"And how are we supposed to believe you? You psycho!" Oh, Evan, I thought. You never change.

Ignoring Evan almost entirely, she motioned to me. "I need to speak with you outside."

"Okay," I agreed, following her outdoors.

"Okay?!" Evan questioned, having the courage to stand up. "Crystal, what are you doing?!"

"E-Evan..." Stella quickly rushed to him, grabbing his arm, so he wouldn't rush towards me. "It's okay," she assured him, locking her eyes onto his. "We both know Crystal can handle this on her own. We wouldn't want to be of inconvenience to her."

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