Chapter 6: Daniel's Party

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Crystal's P.O.V.

"Truth or Dare?" I looked around at the gathering of people as I sat down beside Fiona. And to my surprise, Stella was sitting on the other side of me. I stared at the side of her face. And, as if she could see me in the corner of her eyes, she turned her head, locking her eyes with mine.

Stella's P.O.V.

I gulped as I returned Crystal's gaze. She was just staring at me. Usually, I would have found it uncomfortable. But, for some reason, I felt a kind of warmth in it. Her eyes then squinted as she smiled and tilted her head to the side. A minuscule smile appeared on my face, compelled by hers.

I then watched as Crystal's lower lip slowly separated from the top. "You have a nice smile, Stella."

I felt my heart quickening in my chest as I heard her say those words. Honestly, anything she would say would drive my body insane. Everything about her excited me, from her gorgeous appearance, to her adorable yet mysterious personality.

My smile widened as I continued to stare into her beautiful midnight blue orbs. "Yours is too," I returned the compliment.

Her grin widened as well, before her eyes rose to my nose. "And your nose is nice too."

I arched a brow. My nose was nice? What a strange compliment, but still, it was cute. "Aha. Thank you, Crystal."

"And your eyes..." I studied her expression, which seemed to become more lost, or maybe I confused that look with admiration. She then continued her thought. "They hold so much life within them..."

I just stared at her in awe as she practically complimented everything that made up my face.

Crystal had an aura around her that intrigued me from the start, and in that moment, I felt more drawn to her. More compelled. I felt my lips moistening as they began to yearn for Crystal's. I leaned in slowly, and I felt my eyes lowering on their own the closer I became. Crystal remained in place, which I took as a good sign. She was not running away. Instead, she just sat there, giving me her curious stare, filled with what I thought was admiration.

But before our lips could make contact, a voice startled us, snapping myself out of my trance. "Crystal, Evan wants you to sit by him."

I sighed, as my eyes became lifeless. I didn't want her to leave, but it was not like she was going far. Evan was in the same circle, just on the opposite side.

I watched as Crystal took her eyes off of Fiona and redirected her gaze towards me."I want to stay here," she whined.

I felt my heart flutter in my chest, as my saddened eyes gained back its sparkle. "Evan can just move over here with us," I suggested.

Fiona shrugged. "I guess. Let me ask him."


Crystal's P.O.V.

Evan joined us, unfortunately siting right in between Stella and I. He must have done that on purpose.

"Okay, shall we begin?" I heard Fiona's voice on my left. Everyone seemed to agree, and so, she continued. "Alright. Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" I heard Devin, one of Evan's friends, say.

"Okay, you may begin."

"What are the rules?" Someone asked. Good thing he asked, because I didn't know how to play either.

"Yea," I spoke up. "I've never experienced this game before, so the rules would be of great help."

Fiona chuckled as she then looked around at everyone who was here. "This is my new friend, Crystal, by the way. Isn't she just adorable?"

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