Chapter 16: The Heat of the Flames

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She lifted her head, glancing at me, with a look of passion in her eyes. Her eyes soon shifted to my shirt, as she felt the hem with her fingertips. I looked at her hands, and then back into her compelling eyes, in which asked for permission to proceed.

I slowly and timidly moved my hands towards her face, hovering them, almost ghost-like. She stared at my hesitant hands, before soon grasped them with her own, as her smile only grew. 

"Go ahead..." I tilted my head, in awe, waiting for her to continue. "Do you feel that?" My eyes widened, as she placed my hands on her chest where her heart would be. I felt the rapid beating of her heart against the palms of my hands, which made my skin tingle. Her cheeks grew a light shade of red, as her eyes seemed to dilate, studying me with intent in her eyes. "I want to be with you," she admitted.

I furrowed my eyes, in confusion. "But you are," I chuckled. "We're together..."

She shook her head, though her eyes never left mine. "Y-yes," she matched my laugh. "We are, Crystal. But I didn't mean like that."

"What did you mean then-?"

I felt Stella's breath on my chin, as her face hovered over mine. It took every nerve in my body to remain still. I was struggling, fighting the urge to launch myself forward and kiss her passionately in that moment. "I want to be exclusively yours..." She breathed, accepting her fate. Her eyes seemed to glisten, reflecting the moon, as she pierced my eyes with her soft stare. "And I want you to be mine..." She planted a gentle kiss on the corner of my lips, making my eyes soon soften, losing any and all of its intensity. She then lightly brushed my cheek with the fingers of her left hand, as her right hand stayed firm on the grass, though touching my stomach ever so slightly. She was so soft, so gentle. "...and only mine," she whispered, before locking her moist lips onto mine.


Stella's P.O.V.

I walked towards my bedroom, carrying the sleeping beauty, holding her head close to my chest. I soon felt her arms tightening around my neck, ever so slightly. I inhaled softly, as I gazed at her motionless face. She must had just done that unconsciously.

I lifted the sheets and carefully laid Crystal down, on the right side of the bed. I then lied down on the left side, holding her in my arms for a little while.

I probably have said this before, but I mean it this time more than ever. Today was the best day of my life. No other day could compare to this one. I was so glad Evan invited us to the Carnival, because it allowed for Crystal and I to be together in a beautiful setting.

But one thing had bothered me. A few things actually.

Though I enjoyed every moment I would have with her, I could see it in her eyes. She felt lonely, lost even. We were together, yet she was all alone. Why is that?

I kept trying and trying to show my unconditional affection towards Crystal, thinking it would resolve whatever that is broken deep down in her heart, but it seemed that each time I would try to get closer, she would back away.

Like when I told her that I loved her...

I didn't mean to scare her off. And I was not expecting her to say anything back. I honestly did not expect anything from her. I just wanted her to know how I felt, because I undeniably fell for her.

But, she just stared at me with a look of fear and regret in her eyes, and before I knew it, she slipped out of my grasp and ran away from me.

I spent the entire week worrying for her, and thinking... there was so much thinking... on what I could have done or what I should do.

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