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After months of break up, Lisa continue to live. Working, going to school nothing is new except the fact that the very hyper Lisa is now gone.

She's still respectful, she smile when needed, help the old people around the same Lisa but this Lisa doesn't talk much now, except if you ask her something, she'll replied.

Jennie visits her from time to time she's very worried. She's knows Lisa, she maybe looked tough outside but Jennie knows she's dying inside.

Every morning you can see Lisa's eyes swollen, sign that she cries all night. She didn't even tell anyone what happened between her and Jisoo.

But Jennie is really worried even some of their friends who knows Lisa, they don't know how is Lisa at school because they don't go the same university, they asked one of Lisa's friend named Bambam, he just said that Lisa is quiet but this time she's doesn't talk at all.

"Jisoo just talk to her, please ask her how is she" Jennie pleaded when she went to Jisoo's office.

"Jennie, if I do that Lisa will think we still have a chance"

"I'm worried about her Jisoo, when her parents died she is somehow like that, but this time it's worst"

Jisoo sighs, she's worried too but she doesn't want to give Lisa false hope.

"Just check on her, ask her to go out Jen, that's all I can say"

Jennie sighs. "Four years, you've been with Lisa for four years, then you don't love her anymore just like that? I just hope one day, you won't regret your decision, I won't bother you anymore about Lisa, promise this will be the last" Jennie left Jisoo's office mad

It bothers Jisoo a lot, it confused her too. For months being apart from Lisa makes her happy  with work and task she need to complete her mind is very occupied, but sometimes she missed Lisa, one time she went to Lisa's work place just to check how is she but she's more focused on herself.

Lisa is now on her way to Busan, a quick vacation for herself, a reward for passing her exams just a little push until she finish her sophomore year.

She told Jennie as well so she won't get worried, with one backpack and a book she went inside the train and took her seat, a few minutes later someone sit besides her reading the same book she's holding.

"Hey! do you read his other novel?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Lisa just nod to her.

The girl just sit next to her, she got it. Lisa doesn't want to have a mini chat-chat.

The trip was smooth at first but suddenly the train got a little bit bumpy, the lighyt and aircon is on and off.

Lisa was curious she checked the other passenger and they all thinking the same thing, she look at her seatmate who is now agitated.

Something is wrong, she said to herself when the lights of the train turned off for good.

Then suddenly........

The train collide to other train on the side.

A moving train meets another train, the impact was huge, the vehicle of the first train was cut into half, the other train fall out of the rails while Lisa's train was almost crashed leaving half of the passenger dead.

Lisa, move a bit she's hella bloody her foot was hit and she thinks it broken, her head was hit of something really hard, before hitting the other train, Lisa hugged the girl beside her to protect her, the reason she was hit instead of the girl.

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