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Lisa went out of the car and wave her hand to Irene before she left.

"This is it, you can do this Lisa!" She also saw her bodyguard, they bowed to her and Lisa  just nod at them. The students around is looking at her, of course new face, gorgeous girl getting out a Ferrari, let's add the expensive clothes she's wearing.

When Lisa entered the University an old woman approached her, that's the dean of her college. She's telling Lisa about the school and her schedule she escorted Lisa in her first subject and introduced to her professor.

Lisa at the back near the window,  Lisa's name was called and she just raised her hand for the attendance. First subject were okay, no one bothered her but when she's about to get out a girl approached her.

"Hello! You're gorgeous, you should come to my party" She said flirtatiously abbhand her a flier. Lisa just nod.

Second period, still okay. But the girl beside her is really chatty, she's a transfer too. they have the same hair colour, she a bit taller than Lisa.

Suddenly the professor gave a pop quiz. Lisa was shocked, first day, pop quiz?

"Oh fucker! You've got to be kidding me it's the first day of school"

Lisa heard that. "Shes funny"  When the test questionare was given Lisa answered it but the girl besides her just sleep.

Lisa smiled, she remembered Jennie she's lazy too when it comes to studying.

It's almost time, but the girl didn't even move.

Lisa didn't know what's on her mind, without the professor looking she get the girl's paper and answers it fast and put it back then the bell rang sign that class ends.

The girl woke up and got shocked, she wrote her name passed her paper and followed Lisa who's already walking outside to go to her next class.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!, You! Girl with beanie" The girl shouted in the corridor but Lisa can't hear her she's listening to music her earphones is on.


Someone touched Lisa's shoulder, Lisa got startled, she tries not to panic and look who touched her.

"Y-yeh? Do you need something?" She stutter.

The girl stared at Lisa for a while. "I want to say thank you, for answering my paper"

Lisa nod to the girl and continue to walk.

The girl followed her. "What's your next class? I think we're classmate in everything" Lisa didn't respond

"Wanna be friends? I'm Park Chaeyoung, I'm new here as well"

Lisa don't know what to do, she bit her lower lip and gulped, Lisa left the girl and went inside her room and sit far from everyone.

"What the hell was that??" Chaeyoung said to herself"

Few more minutes and class will end, Lisa smiled when she heard the bell, she wait for everyone to go out before she left the room, now she's walking outside the campus when someone called her.

"Hey! Hey!" That girl again.

"I was waiting for you, were classmate in every subjects so wanna be friends?" Lisa didn't know again what to do then her bodyguard came.

"Young Ms should we go home?" She get Lisa's bag, Lisa nod. She bowed to Chaeyoung as a respect or a sorry she didn't know which one.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened.

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