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Jisoo saw it, Jisoo saw Irene Bae hugged Lisa and kissed her lip, she saw Lisa saying happily that she got the land for Irene"

So the most important person in her life is actually Irene,  it's not Chaeyoung.

It's a different woman, she saw the way Lisa looked at Irene.

Jisoo immediately get her stuff and left the SBS, Seulgi tried to run after her but she said "don't.."

She was about to enter her car then, she heard Jennie running, panting.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

That moment she wanted to slap Jennie real hard, she wants to yell to Jennie.. "Are you fucking kidding me? I look for Lisa for years, to make things right but you didn't give me a chance, you hide her away from me" That's exactly the words she want to tell Jennie straight to her face, but Jisoo didn't voice out, instead.

"How long they've been together?"

" 6 years"

"Irene loves her?"

"So much, she loves Lisa so fucking much"

Jisoo just nod. "Then I'm okay, tell Lisa I said congratulations." With that Jisoo immediately drive away and immediately went home.

She cried a river, while hugging her monkey stuffed toy.

The pain, this is the second time she felt this kind of pain maybe much worst.

The first time was when she found out that Lisa almost died, but this one is different..

The pain is unbearable she felt that her heart is about burst, she heard her phone ring, knock on her apartment but she doesn't care about anyone anymore.
She wants to be alone, then she saw Lisa's photo.

"Is this what you feel when I left you? Is this the pain you felt when I told you I don't love you anymore?" Tears flow in Jisoo's eyes that wet Lisa's old photo. "I'm sorry Lisa.. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean too, I just thought that I don't love you, I was blinded by my dreams that I forgot to dream and fulfilled those dreams with you. I'm so sorry babe. I'm so sorry.. "

Jisoo remembered everything that Lisa did for her, how their relationship was perfect and how she ruined it

Let me take you back.. Shall we?

Hey, Jennie.. Who's that cute? Jisoo asked.. She doesn't know that she's Jennie's bestfriend cause Jisoo didn't grew up in Seoul, she just transferred because you know, college

That's the first time she saw Lisa as a barista in the coffeeshop, Jennie introduced Lisa to her in one of her party, They talked she's really funny. Lisa asked if she could get Jisoo's number and of course Jisoo gave it to her.

They went out, Lisa fetch Jisoo even though she has worked and school too, they always hang around then Lisa admit her feelings for her, then of course Jisoo said yes to her.

"Jisoo, I bought you this. It's a sandwich, it's not much but it's really tasty, it's chicken sandwich"

Small things, that's all Lisa can give to Jisoo but her heart is so big, that she always take care of Jisoo, she always listened everything she said, every details.

"Jisoo, why are you dating a high schooler? There's so many fish in the sea, Seulgi likes you so much. Just pick her, that Lisa is gorgeous yes, she's beautiful but Jisoo she's hella poor can she even take you in a fine dining restaurant?"

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