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For a whole month, Annabeth had trouble coping with anything.

She hadnt told Percy... Everything. He didnt try to push for trying again, but she knew he wanted too... She did too, but...

She had told Piper. It was an accident, because one night when Percy was at work, she went over to Pipers and they started watching cringy romance movies and drinking. She'd gotten so drunk that she accidentally spilled the truth.

Piper gasped, covering her mouth. "You... You can't..."

"It'd be a miracle if I manage to carry a baby to full term." Annabeth scoffed, leaning back. It still hurt, but the alchohol helped. She took another drink.

"Percy knows, right?"

Annabeth hesitated. "I... Havent mentioned it."

"What!? Annabeth, he's your husband!"

"I know! But- Loosing one baby hurt him bad enough... Finding out that I cant actually have a full term pregnancy will crush him! Especially if he finds out so soon after..."

"Gods... Have you two had sex since it happened?"

"No... We're usually just holding each other."

"Does he know how much it's really bothering you?"

"I mean... I dont know." Piper frowned. Annabeth went to take another drink, but Piper took it out of her hand. She sighed softly, hugging herself. "You're mean."

"You are drunk. And your phone is ringing." She glanced over to the table and answered her phone.


"Annabeth? Where are you?"

"Piper and Jasons place... I just didnt want to be alone tonight."

"Alright... Do you want me to come get you?"

"No, I can drive-"

"No!" Piper cut her off, grabbing Annabeths phone. "Come get her. She's drunk."

She gave it back to Annabeth, who sighed. "Do you just wanna stay there?"

"No, I wanna be with you." Annabeth closed her eyes.

"Alright. I love you, beautiful."

"I love you, too."

"I'll see you, soon, Wise Girl." His voice was heavy, and it weighed on her heart like an encasing of lead. He hung up and she puts the phone down, tears forming despite her blank face.

Piper sat beaide Annabeth and pulled her close, kissing her temple. "Tell him. Before he finds out himself."


Percy kept his arm around her as they entered the apartment. Annabeth kept her eyea down to the floor. They'd gotten in a fight in the car, and Annabeth was afraid to speak up at all.

He closed the door behind them, and locked it. Annabeth sighed and stepped away, hugging herself. He turned back to her and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked at her, but didn't say anything.

It was a few moments before he spoke. "Dammit, Annabeth, you scared me."

She dropped her eyes to the floor, hugging herself. "Sorry." She said. Percy sighs.

"That's it? You scared the shit out of me - again. We haven't even tried-" he cuts off, running his hands through his hair. Annabeth's eyes filled with tears and she sniffled. When he continued, his voice had risen to a yell "I know something is bothering you! Something more than what you're telling me! What is it!?"

"I-" She cut off and turned away from him, walking away, tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Annabeth!" He followed after her.

Annabeth opened the door to the spare room, what would have been the nursery, and went in, closing the door behind her. She locked it quickly and sunk to the floor, back against the wood. Sobbing, she curled into herself, hugging her knees.

"Annabeth, I..." He sighs. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled, I'm just... I'm scared. I'm worried about you, baby." Percy's voice broke. "Please..."

She whimpers and wipes at her eyes, shaking. "I- I can't..." She trails off.

"Can't what?" He whispers softly.

Annabeth stood up slowly, hands shaking as she opened the door and looked at him. His green eyes were desperate and worried. "I can't get pregnant again. The- The doctors said it'd be a miracle if I could have a baby for longer than 4 months, let alone carry a baby to full term."

Percy's face fell. He looked almost as broken and miserable as she felt. Annabeth hugged herself, waiting for him to get upset, or for him to walk away from her and leave the apartment. Instead, he pulled her to his chest and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Wise Girl."

She sighed and hugged him tightly, closing her eyes. "I love you, too."

"We'll figure something out. I promise." She nodded, sniffling. Percy kissed the side of her head, before nuzzling her hair. "


"Annabeth, you need to come to the hospital, now! It's an emergency!"

Those were the first and last words she heard on her call with Piper, before she was racing out of the apartment and to the hospital.

When she got there, she was panting and out of breath, stopping when she saw Piper and Aphrodite in the waiting room. "What happened!? Is everyone okay!?"

"Yah, I just had to get you here quickly for our appointment." Piper said in a cheerful voice.

"Excuse me!?"

"We have an appointment in like, 5 minutes." Annabeth blinked dumbly at Piper and she smiled. "Ugh, come on."

Piper dragged Annabeth into the suddenly open door. The nurse holding the door smiled warmly at Aphrodite before leading the girls into the office of a young doctor with beautiful, long, dark hair braided over her shoulder. She gave them both a smile. "Hello, girls."

"Hi! I'm Piper and this is Annabeth." The doctor shook their hands respectively before leaning back in her chair, propping her elbows on the arms of her chair, gesturing for them to sit. Piper sat without hesitation, having to pull her very confused blonde best friend onto the couch beside her.

It was comfortable and squishy, but not so much so that it was hard to get comfortable.

"I am Ceres Demeter. Or-Dr. Demeter."

"O-kay... Piper...?"

Dr. Demeter's face got a bit more serious, and she sat forward in her chair. "Piper told me about your unfortunate case, as well as hers."


"I can't produce eggs, but I can carry a baby to term. You can produce eggs, but cannot carry a baby." Piper said with a smile.

Annabeth sucked in a breath. She knew what she was thinking, but was Piper on the same page, or...? She couldn't breathe.

"Please tell me you get what I'm going at here!"

"I think so, but tell me anyways so I don't get my hopes up."

"Annabeth, I want to be yours and Percy's surrogate mother."

((Welp. This took a while. Sorry. I got this idea from Death Stranding, with Mama and her sister. ♥))

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