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Annabeth sat on the couch of her and Percy's apartment, watching 'Nailed It' on Netflix. She'd fallen in love with the show, the quirky jokes, the constant baking fails that seemed like they wouldn't be difficult, and Nichole's 'Nag Button'. She closed her eyes as the episode continued, tired. She'd been sleepier and sleepier since her period started, and she was glad that it was finally over. She'd been stuck with tampons, pads, pain killers, cramps, and no sex for a whole week. Whenever Percy was in the room, she'd cling to him like a bug to tree sap, wishing she had the guts to say screw the consequences. When they were alone, she'd strip him down to just his boxers and kiss him in their bed, happy with just feeling his body moving over hers, even if he never entered her. It was enough.

Now, she and Percy didn't necessarily have to restrain themselves. Percy had been working extra hours  to try and work enough to pay off a date for them, and Annabeth had taken a day off from the diner for it. Her eyes flew open as she felt Percy kiss her neck. She felt him chuckle against her skin and blushed, pushing his face away from her. "Shut up."

"Aw, come on, baby." He laughed, kissing her cheek. "I love you."

She smiled, "I love you, too."

"Well, now that I'm home..." He nuzzled her neck, making her blush. "You should go get ready."

"Mmm..." Annabeth hummed. She'd rather stay home with him and just sit on the couch with his head on her stomach like they'd done most of the week. "If you hadn't already made a reservation, I'd say we should just stay here all day."

He laughed and moved to pull her to her feet, hands on the small of her back. She was in a sports bra and shorts, so his hands were immediately on her skin. She closed her eyes, electricity spiking up her spine. She whimpered. "I wish we had more time before we had to go." He laughed softly, kissing her lips.

"Me too, baby." He rubbed her back. "Alright, come on, I gotta get dressed too, so you can check me out while I get changed."

She giggled. "You can do the same to me and pray that I let you get handsy after dinner."

She turned her back to him, and he pulled her back to his chest, growling against her throat. "Why do you hate me?"

She giggled. "Who ever said I hated you, baby?" She grinned as he nipped at her neck, kissing her skin. She leaned her head back, smiling happily.

She pulled away from him, turning around, holding his hands and leading him to the bedroom. Once they were inside, she let him go, not giving him a chance to try and press her to the wall like she knew he would try to do. She wanted him, but she wanted to get payback for him scheduling the date so soon after he got off work. He went to take a shower as Annabeth pulled the long, black to dark blue dress Piper had gotten her. It was a one strap, with holes along the top of the back. She slipped it on, before pulling her hair up into a neat, high pony tail. She put on silver and gemstone owl earrings, a matching owl necklace, and bracelet, as well as dark blue heels with a stripe of diamonds on it. She added some light makeup - With Piper instructing her from a video call.

 Looking at her reflection, Annabeth was proud. Without makeup she looked beautiful, with makeup, she blew herself away. When Piper said 'If I were lesbian, I'd date you', Annabeth laughed so hard she almost started crying. Of course, Percy had come in just before Piper said it, and he appeared behind her with a possessive pout. "Too bad, Pipes, she's mine."

Annabeth giggled as he kissed the skin behind her ear, whispering to her. "You look amazing."

Annabeth ended the call with Piper and turned to him, putting her arms around his neck. "Wow... You look even better from the front." She laughed and kissed his lips. With her heels, she was as tall as him, and he seemed to enjoy it.

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