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They spent the rest of the day multitasking. Percy did dishes while Annabeth cooked, a playlist from Google Music playing. Annabeth wasn't sure which band the station was based around, but it had Halestorm, Seether, Hinder, and Breaking Benjamin playing frequently. She figured it was one of those four, she just didn't know which. A few times, Percy would break away from the sink, dry his hands, and pull Annabeth into the living room, the two of them dancing to the song playing.

She'd laugh and force him to let her go, kissing him, before going back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

When he finally finished the dished, Percy stepped up behind her and hugged her, his arms around her waist. He just stood there behind her, his arms holding her waist. He didn't mess with her, didn't tease her, didn't try and turn her on. He just stood there, holding her as she cooked. It might've been because she was chopping up oranges with a very sharp knife. When she put the knife down, he nuzzled some of her hair away from her neck and kissed the spot behind her ear, bringing a smile to her face. She turned to him and put her hands on his shoulders. "Yes?"

He smiled and kissed her. "I love you." She smiled happily. "I wish we could just go to the courthouse and get this over with. I've been waiting since we were 16... I think I've waited long enough to marry you."

"Our mothers, especially mine, would kill us if we eloped, Seaweed Brain. And we both know it." He pouted and she smiled. "You've waited this long. We can wait a little longer. Together." He smiled and kissed her softly.

"You're so beautiful." He smiled adoringly at her, his green eyes fascinating and captivating. How she didn't notice that look back when she was 16, she didn't know. But looking back at the memories, at the days spent together, the nights hiding out, finding out that Percy had his first kiss... She remembered how angry she had been that someone else had dared to kiss him. She played it off as if she were upset because someone other than Percy had told her about it. And now she realized how furious she had been that Percys first kiss wasn't her first kiss. At least now she understood why he hadn't said anything.

Annabeth kissed him quickly before turning back to the counter, returning to the recipe for Orange Chicken. She didn't know it by heart, but she'd made it enough timed to have nailed the techniques and flavoring.

"Anything I can do to help, baby?" Percy hummed, leaning against the counter.

"You could put on a shirt and stop distracting me." He crinkled his nose, making her laugh. "You could set up the table. They're gonna be here any minute."

"That I can do-"

"After you put a shirt on. I love you, Percy, but until we go to the beach, or the pool, I am officially the only one who gets to see you shirtless." He chuckled and kissed her.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, what?" She smirked teasingly. He chuckled.

"Yes, future-Mrs. Jackson." He kissed her again before going to their room. Annabeth smiled happily, finishing up the orange chicken. Annabeth remembered the look on Percy's face when they were 17 when she wore his swim team hoodie with his last name on the back. She'd had a water fountain explode on her when some idiot hit it with a basketball in their junior year of high school.

Piper had given her clean pants, and Percy had given her his hoodie. When he'd seen her, he'd stared at her with a dreamy look on his face. Now she understood why. Annabeth Jackson had a nice ring to it.


"This is better than any of the orange chicken I've ever gotten from Takeout." Annabeth smiled at Sally's praise. Athena looked proud.

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