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Annabeth woke up late in the morning, alone. Her clothes had been changed, and instead of her grey dress, she was wearing a graphic T-shirt and sweatpants. She blinked, looking around, a frown on her face. Annabeth yawned and got to her feet, rubbing her eyes. She slipped on something, and Annabeth squeaked, falling. She looked around to see Percy's pants not far from her foot. A hot blush burned on her cheeks, and she got back to her feet, quickly making her way out of the room.

The moment she was in the hall, she smelled pancakes and bacon, and felt her stomach growl in protest. "Percy?" Annabeth called as she walked down the hall, towards the kitchen and living room. Behind the stove, Annabeth saw Percy cooking, shirtless, in a pair of blue plaid pajama pants. His hair was a mess, and when he turned to put the pancakes on the plate beside the stove, she realized that, between them falling asleep last night, and the moment now, he had shaved. It made her a tiny bit sad, but the way his green eyes lit up when they saw her made up for it.

He smiled at her charmingly, "Hey. I was just about to go wake you up." He walked over and hugged her. Annabeth buried her face in his chest, smiling happily and yawning again.

"I'm pretty good at waking myself up, Seaweed Brain, remember?" He chuckled softly, eyes watching her adoringly. She looked up at him, biting her bottom lip shyly. "You meant it, right? What you said last night... That you... Love me?"

"Of course I meant it, Wise Girl. You know me better than that. I wouldn't say it unless I meant it." Annabeth smiled and hugged him again, tightly. "How do you feel?"

"Amazing... I've never felt better." She hummed softly. Her eyes widened in surprise when Percy spun her around. Annabeth giggled, her hand gripping his tightly. "What was that?"

He shrugged, a smile on his face. "I'm bored... Plus you're smile is absolutely beautiful."

Yeah, Annabeth was totally blushing.

She grinned and put her arms around his neck. "I gotta ask you something..."

Her stomach dropped slightly. "What is it...?"

"I know the whole thing with Luke just ended, but..." He looked like he was trying to find a way to say it without sounding like a douche bag. Annabeth knew what he meant though, even if he stuttered his way through trying to say it. "When this is all over, and... And stuff... Would you... Go on a uh... A date with me?"

How could she say no to that? His cheeks were pink, his eyes hopeful, his smile excited and happy. Even if she wanted to say no, there was no way she could have. He looked a little bit like a baby seal when he got a hopeful glint in his eyes, and it sometimes made Annabeth feel like she was falling for him- even before today.

"You know the answer already, Seaweed Brain." She whispered, her fingers tracing his lips distractedly.

"I do?" He looked confused, and she smiled, laughing softly. Annabeth leaned up to kiss him, before a knock on the front made her jump. Percy frowned and gently pulled away from Annabeth, walking to the front door. He opened it, "Mom?"

"Percy! Have you seen Annabeth!? Luke said she went missing last- Oh, thank the gods you're okay!" Annabeth squeaked in surprise when Sally Jackson hugged her. "You scared us! You're mother has been panicking for hours!"

"Sorry, I-"

"Luke is looking everywhere for you, come on-"

"I can't..." Annabeth shook her head. The thought alone of going near Luke again made her sick.

"Why not?" Sally frowned.

"There's a reason I disappeared..." Annabeth held back tears, not wanting to cry. She wasn't sad that he'd cheated... Not really, because in all honesty, she hadn't really... Felt... Anything towards Luke anymore. One day, after she'd moved out of her and Percy's shared apartment, her feelings for Luke just began to fade away. She wasn't sad about it, she was mad. She was furious. She was hurt that he didn't just tell her he wanted to be with someone else. "I went home yesterday, and Luke was having sex with someone else..." 

Sally's eyes got wide, and she sucked in a breath. "He what!?"

"He was cheating on me." Annabeth squeaked quietly as Percy's mother hugged her.

"Percy, can you go tell Athena that Annabeth is safe for me?" Sally called over her shoulder, leading Annabeth to the couch. She felt heat rise in her cheeks when she sat where Percy had sat the night before, when he admitted to wanting more than to just be her friend. Annabeth glanced at Percy as he disappeared down the hall. "Tell me what happened, Sweetheart?"

"I got off work early so I could bring Percy his birthday present, and I went to take food to Luke... When I got there, I turned on the light, and he was laying on the floor with a girl from high school... Their clothes were scattered around the living room... I dumped the soda I got Luke on him, and threw the ring before walking out... A few hours later I got here..." Annabeth trailed off, not explaining what she and Percy did a few hours after she arrived. "Luke showed up and I told him to get out of my life. He must have thought I was stone cold drunk if he thought he could get me to go see him."

Sally frowned, and hugged Annabeth. "Why didn't you tell anyone where you were? After Percy stopped responding to my texts and calls we started to panic."

"I didn't want anyone to know where I was... Until I got here, I purposely did everything I could to go places no one would look for me... I didn't want Luke to find me." Sally sighed, hugging her still. "I'm not even sad about it... I'm mad. I'm angry, I want to get revenge..."

"Why aren't you sad?"

"Lately I... I haven't felt the same about him... My feelings for him have been fading since... Since I moved in with him..." Annabeth mumbled quietly, head on Sally's shoulder. "I don't know why."

"I might know..." Annabeth pulled away to look at her. "Has Percy said anything about you two...?"

She blushed slightly, pushing her hair behind her ear. Sally smirked knowingly, as if suddenly noticing the look in Annabeth's eyes, the way her face was still flushed, how her hair was messed up, and the fact that she was wearing Percy's clothes. "Took him long enough to do something about his feelings for you."

"Mom!" They glanced towards the hallway, where Percy stood, with wide eyes and a shocked look. His face was red, and he had changed his clothes. He was no longer in pajama's, and was instead wearing a black button up shirt with a logo on the left breast pocket. His pants were black, and he looked pretty fancy with his shirt tucked in and a belt around his waist. "Please refrain from talking about me when I'm not in the room."

Annabeth giggled slightly, and Sally rolled her eyes, smiling at her son.

"Don't get upset with me. It's taken you years to finally let her know how you feel." Annabeth smiled, curling up on the couch, "And the way you do so is hilarious! You have sex with her!"

Annabeth hid her face behind her hair, now feeling uncomfortable. It was weird for Percy's mom, the woman who had raised them both, to talk about the two of them having sex together. It was even weirder when Sally flat out said that she knew Percy had liked Annabeth for years without saying anything.

"Alright, well... I gotta head to work now... To avoid the awkwardness that will be when Athena gets up here. There is food in the kitchen..." Annabeth got up before he could finish and went around the couch, hugging him. Percy stepped back in surprise, before hugging her back. Annabeth had her arms around his neck, and Percy wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek before burying his face in her hair. They stayed like that for a minute, wrapped in each other's arms, before the sound of the front door opening caught their attention. They pulled apart, seconds before Athena Chase barrelled into her daughter.

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