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Soon, they sat on the couch, Annabeth with a beer in hand and Percy with a bottle of whiskey on the table and a shot glass. For hours, they talked about what happened. Annabeth curled up with her head on Percy's chest, sitting in his lap. Percy had his arms around her, taking back a couple shots every once in a while. They just talked, like they'd done for years. Annabeth wished she could go back months and change whatever it was that made Luke want someone else... Percy wished she would stop thinking she did something wrong, telling her that, sometimes, people just changed how they felt, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. She agreed quietly, taking a sip from her beer as Percy threw back yet another shot.

Then they stopped talking. Annabeth just looked up at Percy, admiring his features as he kept drinking. She was barely a third of the way through her fifth beer. It was weak, but enough to give her a buzz. Annabeth enjoyed it. The slight drunkenness that dulled her senses. The slight drunkenness that made her thoughts go fuzzy. Percy was drinking more than her, and she could tell that it was taking it's toll. His words were slurred slightly, and it was kind of cute.

That was a weird thing for Annabeth to think of... She'd never really thought of Percy as cute, before... But he was. He was adorable, and with a slight stubble dusting his jaw, he was actually pretty hot. It made her heart skip a beat, and made the part of her body that craved sexual contact tingle in excitement at the thoughts. Annabeth hugged herself tightly and looked away from his face, closing her eyes. She didn't want to think that- She didn't want to want that. She couldn't deny that he was hot, but that didn't mean she wanted to... He was her best friend. During her first fight with Luke, one of her friends tried to pull the 'friends with benefits' deal and convince her to pull that... She didn't. She never wanted to do that.

Percy had his eyes closed, hand on her knee. If Annabeth didn't have alcohol in her system, she was sure that she wouldn't be affected by the touch... But since she did... Her slightly drunken state of mind almost wanted to jump Percy's bones.

She hated that phrase, but it was the only thing she could think of to describe how badly she wanted to forget what had happened and just let go. She wanted to close her eyes and lose herself in someone she knew could distract her.

She wasn't an idiot. She wasn't deaf. She'd heard people talk... Percy wasn't exactly sticking to the 'virgin' title. He hadn't been a virgin since they were in high school. She'd heard girls talking about Percy's... 'Skills'. She'd be lying if she wasn't curious.

"Happy Birthday, by the way." She mumbled, "I never said it."

"It's fine, Wise Girl." His voice was hilariously slurred, and she giggled at the sound, smiling.

"You're drunk."

"Like you're much better." He grinned at her. Annabeth had the inexplicable urge to kiss him.

"I am better. You're drinking whiskey, I'm drinking beer."

"You've always been a lightweight, sweetheart." He laughed, hugging her to his chest. Annabeth felt a bit of a loss of breath when she felt his muscles move under his tight shirt. A blush rose to her face, one she could easily blame on beer, and she moved, her body almost taking on a mind of it's own. Annabeth straddled his hips, the dress she was wearing bunching up around the tops of her thighs.

"Remember that pact we made? When we were younger?" Annabeth whispered, one hand holding the beer bottle behind his head, the other one playing with the flannel buttons of his shirt. Percy swallowed, his green eyes sliding up and down her body, darkening with lust. It made goosebumps rise on her skin.

"If neither of us were married by my 25th birthday..." Percy trailed, eyes meeting hers."We would marry each other. Of course I do, how could I forget, Wise Girl?"

"I did... For a while, I forgot... Today, though... Before I even got to me and Luke's apartment... I remembered. It was kind of weird... Just suddenly remembering... I didn't think anything of it for a while... Not until I got home and turned on the light..." She brushed some of his hair from his face. "But now that I think about it..."

She trailed off. Percy's hand slid up her side, forcing Annabeth to suck in a sharp breath. His fingers brushed her face, tangling in her hair. "What?"

"Why did you agree...? You didn't have to agree, but you did..."

"I wanted too... I..." He looked almost nervous. "I wanted you. I still do..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Annabeth leaned closer to him, the smell of whiskey on his breath making her secretly want a taste. She'd never tried whiskey before... And she certainly had never kissed a guy after they were drinking it.

"You were happy. With Luke. All I wanted was for you to be happy, and you were... I wasn't going to stop you from being happy... That would go against everything that I've been trying to do. Keep you safe, happy. I told Luke that if he hurt you, I'd beat him to a cripple and leave him to rot knowing what he did to you-" Percy said slowly, voice slurred. Annabeth put a finger to his lips, silencing him. Slowly, she took his hands and moved them to her legs, sitting up a little more so he could get a better grip on her.

"You still want me?" Annabeth put her hand on the side of his neck. Percy nodded, looking a little breathless. Annabeth put her beer bottle on the end table, pressing herself closer to him. Percy's grip tightened on her legs, sending shivers down her spine, and Annabeth moved her lips closer to his. One of Percy's hands slid under the hem of her dress, continuing up her body, under the fabric, stopping on the hem of her underwear. Annabeth moaned, and his lips caressed hers gently, barely touching. She wanted more, though. A lot more.

Even when a knock came from the front door, and a buzzing echoed from Percy's pocket, Annabeth didn't want to stop. He stopped though, looking as if he could barely restrain himself from fucking her on the couch and not stopping. Annabeth's drunk mind wanted exactly that. She wanted to have sex with him, she wanted to close her eyes and delve into the feelings that were unraveling in her chest... But he didn't let her.

He broke away, rolling Annabeth onto her back on the couch, just to pull away, fixing her dress before he got to his feet and staggered away. Annabeth was shaking, and she sat up, slowly following Percy as he walked to the door and answered it. She wished she hadn't. Luke was stood in the doorway, looking like a mess. His clothes were askew, and his hair looked like he'd tried to stand in a category five hurricane. His voice was even worse. It was gravelly and broken.

"Where is she!? Where's Annabeth!?"

Percy immediately looked like he hadn't drank a drop. "You dare come to my home, asking about her!? After what you did!? Do you remember what I told you I would do to you if you hurt her!?"

"Percy, stop-!" Annabeth tried to pull him away from the door, not meeting Luke's eyes.

"Annabeth, let me go."

"Annabeth, let me explain-"

"You need to leave." Annabeth growled. "Get the hell out, and stay the hell away. I want nothing to do with you, anymore. Why do you think I hit your fucking bitch in the head with your ring, huh? Don't you dare come near me, ever again."

Luke glanced between them and starting laughing. "Oh, I see. He finally convinced you that he loves you!? Annabeth, he just wants to get into your pants." He held a hand out to her. "I made a mistake, a stupid one. Let me make it up to you-"

She kicked him in the crotch, tears brimming in her eyes. "I told you to leave. Don't act like you know anything about Percy and me. Get the hell out of my life."

Annabeth slammed the door before Percy had a chance and walked away, grabbing her beer, and going into her old bedroom. She curled up on the floor, back against the headboard. She wanted nothing to do with anyone anymore... Not Luke, not Percy, not even herself.

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