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When Annabeth returned from Piper's apartment, Percy was in the kitchen, cooking dinner. Annabeth's hands shook, the pregnancy test box in her hands. There was no way she could take the test without Percy being with her, knowing about the test. Her breath shook and she walked silently to the bathroom.

She was terrified. What if she did find out she was pregnant? What if... What if Percy wasn't happy?

That thought made her body sink to the floor, her back against the bathroom door. If her being pregnant didn't make him happy, then, what did she do? What was she supposed to do?

She jumped when Percy knocked on the bathroom door. "Baby, is everything alright?"

Annabeth hesitated before standing up and slowly opening the door. She sniffles and looked up at Percy, the box in plain sight. He didn't notice it, though. Instead, he put his hands on the sides of her face and stepped closer to her. "What's the matter? What happened, Annabeth? Are- Are you hurt!?"

"No..." She whispered, shaking her head. She pulled away slightly and hesitated, before sucking in a deep breath and wiping at her eyes with her sleeves. "I... I think... I think that I might be... Be..."

She couldn't say it. She physically could not force the word out of her mouth.

"What!?" He looked scared. Annabeth let out a broken sob, holding back her tears. She lifted the box off the counter. Percy's eyes scanned the box, before slowly rising up to her face.

They were glowing with excitement.

Annabeth sucked in a deep breath. Percy visibly contained his excitement. "Baby, have you taken it yet?"

Annabeth shook her head. "No. Not yet."

He sighed deeply, putting his hand in her hair and kissing her forehead. "I love you, Wise Girl."

"I love you, too, Seaweed Brain." He pulled back, hands on her hips. He knew she was scared. He knew she was terrified, petrified, of the prospect of being pregnant. But she could see the excitement burning in his eyes... He wanted this... Even if he didn't admit it to her face, he wanted them to have a baby.

And that made it less scary. A lot less scary. Percy wanted them to have a baby together. It would be worth it. It would have to be worth it. She put her hand on the back of his neck and kissed him. His hands rested on her hips, pulling her closer to him.

She let out a weak breath and broke away from the kiss. "Do you want this?"

"Do you?" He said softly.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm asking you that question."

"You already know my answer, beautiful." She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to his. "Do you want this?"

"I... I don't know..." She sighed, moving her head to his shoulder. He put his hand on the back of her head and held her tightly to his chest. After a few moments, Annabeth's stomach growled. Percy chuckled softly, pulling away and kissing her.

"Let's worry about it after dinner, okay? "

Annabeth nodded. Percy kissed her again and walked out of the bathroom. She looked down at the box and then at the door. She quickly closed the door and opened the box.


Half an hour later, and Percy was pulling Annabeth to sit on the couch. She hadn't seen the results yet... She hadn't even told Percy she took it... But while they ate, she'd started getting excited. The thought of it... Starting a family with Percy... Having miniature combinations of Percy and herself running around their apartment... The thought was amazing...

When they were sat down, Annabeth hesitated. "Percy..."

"What is it?" He asked, looking up from the plate of cookies Sally had brought over to them.

"I took the test." His eyes widened a fraction of a centimeter. "I haven't checked the results yet, but..."

"But?" He was fighting back a smile.

"I'm excited..." She said. His smile started peeking through. She smiled herself and laughed. "Do you wanna go see what it says?"

"Obviously." He smiled. It was such a happy smile that she couldn't help but be excited. She kissed him softly, slowly. He kissed her back, pouting softly when she pulled away. She laughed and stood up, walking to the bathroom. She picked up the test, barely glancing at it before going into the hall.

Then she froze. She saw it... The test...

Her heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Baby?" Percy's voice reminded her of where she was. Annabeth swallowed and walked back into the living room, shaking. Percy stood up, his eyes glowing beautifully in excitement.

But it faded. It disappeared so quickly when he saw the look on her face. Annabeth sniffled. "I looked... Ya know, you'd probably expect me to be relieved..."

Percy grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against his body. She put her arms around his neck. Percy pulled her close and buried his face in her neck. "I was excited..." Annabeth whispered. "I actually wanted to be... I was actually hoping that we were gonna..."

"Shhh..." Percy whispered, rubbing her back. "It's alright. I promise you. Everything is gonna be fine."

"But I wanted it to be positive. I want to have your baby, but... But it's negative..."

Percy pulled away from her and kissed her forehead. "Baby, if you really want it..." He pulled away to look at her. "You know we can always try for it, right?"

Annabeth nodded. "I know." He kissed her softly, before pulling away. "I'm tired."

"Well, let's head to bed, then." He whispered, picking her up.


The next day, Piper called her, early in the morning.

"Hello?" Annabeth groaned tiredly.

"Hey, it's Piper."

"Oh... Good morning."

"Good morning to you, too, sleepyhead. What did the test say?" Annabeth sighed, getting up and out of bed. She walked into the living room, leaving Percy in their room.

"It was negative..." Annabeth sighed.

"Oh... Well... I thought you'd be relieved?"

"So did I. But as it turns out... I got pretty damn excited... So did Percy..."

"Well... What are you two going to do?"

"I don't know yet..." Annabeth shrugged. "Percy said, though, that if he would be very happy if we actually tried to get pregnant..."

"That's not really surprising. Percy always wanted to be a dad, remember?" Annabeth hummed, smiling.

"How could I forget?" She sighed softly. "I mean... I'm still scared, but... When I showed him the box, he looked so excited... He tried hiding it, but we all know that he is a terrible actor."

Piper laughed. "Well, do you wanna come out with me for a girls day?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Uh... Not much of one, no."

"What are we gonna be doing?"

"Wedding dress shopping."

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