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"Hey, once your done with the dishes, Annabeth, your free to go!" Charles Beckendorf, Annabeth's boss and friend, called from the counter. "Tell Percy I said Happy Birthday, by the way!"

"I will, thanks, Charlie!" Annabeth smiled, popping the last dish into the dishwasher before starting the wash cycle. She took off her apron and hung it on the coat rack in the back of the kitchen. "Bye, Silena, see ya tomorrow."

"See ya." Annabeth hugged her best friend before leaving, almost skipping to her car. It was a small truck, nothing fancy, nothing big, with dents galore on the left side, but it was hers, and she loved it. It was a pale blue to stormy grey gradiant, and it was beautiful. Inside, was sticky leather seats, towels, and unroll able windows. Summer sucked, but it was worth it. Annabeth climbed inside and started the engine, checking the backseat for the blue present box before driving into New York Traffic.

She first stopped at her apartment, after getting a bag of food for Luke to surprise him. His favorite thing from McDonalds- Big Mac with everything on it, large fries, and a large coke. Annabeth didn't understand how he could enjoy onions, lettuce, and mayonnaise on a cheeseburger, but somehow, he did.

She grabbed the bag and climbed out of the truck, her hand wrapped around the cold cup of soda. She made her way up to the stairs and into the building. She waved to their neighbors, who looked confused at her early arrival, distaste in their eyes. Annabeth didn't mind it. They didn't approve of the fact that she was living with Luke before their wedding. Annabeth kept smiling and continued upstairs to their apartment.

Inside, it was dark. Like, really dark. So dark in fact, that Annabeth ran into the bar stool next to the kitchen counter. She grunted and rolled her eyes, putting the drink and food on the counter. Blindly, Annabeth switched on the lights, blinking rapidly to adjust to the lighting.

When she did, she regretted turning the light on. Annabeth's heart stopped, and her blood turned to ice, her muscles and bones growing weak. On the living room floor was Luke, covered with a blanket, his clothes scattered throughout the room, and in his arms was a girl Annabeth despised.

She didn't hate her because of the fact that she was laying naked with Annabeth's boyfriend. No, in fact, she hated her because this was the girl who had set her up with Luke in the first place, with a promise to ruin her life if she hurt him... 

Turns out, even without Annabeth breaking up with him, Mickey Tartarus was perfectly okay with destroying Annabeth's life.

Fury replaced the pain in Annabeth's heart, and she surged forward, grabbing the coke. She popped the lid off and dumped it on her sleeping boyfriend and his mistress. The both woke up, screaming in shock as they were covered with cold ice, and sticky soda. Luke saw Annabeth's face, and he paled, loosing all color in his skin. Annabeth took the diamond ring off her finger and threw it at him, nailing Mickey in the eye. She cried out in pain, and Luke turned to check on her. That's when Annabeth's resolve hardened.

She huffed, "Wow. Ya know, I was having a really good day..." Annabeth laughed bitterly. "I hope you realize that you're choosing the High School slut over me."

She turned and left, tears beginning to pour down her face.


A few hours later, she stopped in front of Percy and her's old apartment. Her face was blotchy and tear stained. She rubbed her eyes with her fists, still fighting tears. Slowly, she reached back and grabbed the blue box. It was Percy's birthday present. It wasn't anything big, but she knew he would love it. It was a simple picture frame, with waves carved into the wood, each space painted a different shade of blue, or green. Annabeth sniffled, rubbing her finger over the box, before pulling out a folded picture from her wallet. It was of her and Percy, with their moms. Percy was 5 in the picture, and Annabeth was 6. It was after her birthday, and they were at Montuak beach. Athena Chase had a sun hat on, a book in her hand, her rose red sunglasses on Annabeths head. Sally Jackson was waring a yellow sundress, her dark hair pinned back in a half up-do. Her smile was beautiful, infectious, and her eyes twinkled in happiness. Percy was grinning ear to ear. Annabeth traced her thumb over Percy's smile. She sniffled, and opened the box, putting the picture inside. Closing it, she got out of the truck and walked up to the apartment building as Percy came out, looking panicked. He saw her, and his keys dropped to the floor. Annabeth whimpered as he hugged her to his chest, his face in her neck.

"Where the hell have you been? Everyone's been worried!" He pulled away, pushing her hair from her face. Then he noticed her blotchy face. "What... What happened?"

"Luke... He was cheating on me. I got off early so I could bring you your birthday present after taking food to Luke..." Annabeth mumbled, "I got lost on the way here... Kinda on purpose..."

Percy looked murderous, but he just wrapped his arms around her instead. Seconds later, the sky rumbled as lightning cracked overhead. He pulled her inside, and no one spoke until Annabeth was curled up in her old room, on the bed, tears in her grey eyes. Percy sat beside her, taking the box from her hands and setting it on the floor. Immediately she curled up in his arms, sniffling. "You should open your present."

"Not right now. You're more important to me than a gift. You're more important to me than anything."  He sighed, rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head. Annabeth felt a tear fall down her cheek, and reached up to wipe it away. As she did, Percy sighed. "Don't hold it back, Wise Girl, it's okay for you to cry..."

"I don't wanna cry... I want to go back to this morning, ready to take work off for the wedding... Ready to go to Hawaii..." Percy hugged her tighter.

"Can I have a beer?" Annabeth sniffled. Percy laughed softly, nodding.

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