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"Annabeth!" She looked up as Piper appeared in the hallway, pushing her hair from her face as she knelt down. "Come on, you need to get up..."

"It hurts..."

"I know, but the hospital might be able to do something. We just have to hurry!" Piper lifted Annabeth to her feet, and they left the apartment. She closed and locked the door before helping Annabeth down the stairs.

Annabeth wanted to believe they could help, but she already knew that they wouldn't get there in time.


Percy unlocked the front door and stepped inside, closing it behind him. "I'm home, baby!" He called. She was usually awake when he got home, waiting to cuddle with him... Today, she wasnt on the couch. Or in the kitchen. He checked the bathroom, but she wasnt there either.

"Huh..." He frowned, walking to their room. "Annabeth?"

He pushed open the door, looking into the dark bedroom. The bed was a mess, and he could barely see her. At least, he thought it was her. He walked over to the bed and reached out. But instead of touching her shoulder, he just touched the bed. "What the hell!?" He turned on the light, before feeling sick.

There was a giant red circle on the bed in Annabeths spot, and the tang of blood was in the air. Frantically, he turned on his phone. Bailey was at the bedroom door, crying. The moment his phone was on, it was ringing. He answered it.

"Piper, please god, tell me you know where she is!?" He yelled automatically.

"We're at the hospital. You need to get down here, now!"

"Is she okay!?" Percy demanded.

"I dont know..." Piper mumbled, her voice breaking.

"What do you mean you dont know!? What happened!?"

"Percy, please... She needs you..."


Annabeth lay curled up on the hospital bed, staring at nothing, hugging herself. Piper said that Percy was on his way, but... She felt empty. She had just lost their baby... How was she supposed to feel?

The door swung open and she looked up at Percy, before slowly turning and sitting up. "Annabeth..." He breathed.

Had Piper told him? Had the doctors? Or the nurses? Annabeth started crying, curling into herself, and sobbing. Percy ran over to her and held her in his arms. "Im sorry..." She cried, hugging him tightly. "I- I tried calling you, but it- It went to voicemail- And I was so scared!"

"What are you talking about!? What- what happened!? I saw the blood on the bed, I-" he cut off as she hugged him tightly. "I was so scared... Are you okay?"

She hesitated, before shrugging. She pulled away. "I dont know... Physically, kind of, but..."

"What do you mean?" He frowned, framing her face in his hands.

"I... I had a miscarriage... Piper and I didnt get here in time to stop it... I got to the bedroom door and I fell... I couldnt get back up." She mumbled. "I hurt too much... I couldnt move..."

Percy didnt say anything. He hugged her to his chest, and she closed her eyes feeling numb and cold. She had lost their baby... She felt miserable...

"Because of me, she's gone." Annabeth mumbled. "Because I couldn't get up..."

"Don't. Just- J- Just dont say that!" He growled softly into her hair. "Its not your fault!"

"But you're mad..."

"Not at you." He pulled away and kissed her. He was crying when they broke apart. "I know that you would never do anything on purpose to hurt the baby."

She sniffled and hugged him tighter. "I love you, Percy."

"I love you, too..." He whispered. She still felt like it was her fault. She still wished that she had done more to try and save their child... But she couldnt turn back time, and that was the most painful thought in the world. Annabeth rester her chin on his shoulder and closed her eyes as he held her. Silent tears of her own traced her cheeks.

The hospital door opened and Annabeth saw her mom come in, a grim expression on her face. She sighed and walked towards them. Annabeth pulled away from Percy as her mom pulled them both into a hug. Annabeth started crying again. Her mom only hugged her when things were really happy... Or really, really bad...

And she hugged Percy even less.


When they got home, Percy sat her on the couch and whispered that he would be right back. He did come back, a few minutes later, and led her to the bathroom, where the tub was full of hot water.


"Just get in and relax, Wise Girl..." He rubbed her arms. "Im gonna go switch the sheets. Just stay in as long as you want..." Percy sighed aoftly, before closing his eyes and kissing her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She sighed quietly. "And I'm sorry."

"Its not you fault-"

"No, I... I'm sorry that I scared you." She mumbled. Percy hugged her.

"Im sorry I didnt turn my phone on until after I got home." He sighed. "It would have saved me from thinking someone broke in and hurt you."

Annabeth sighed and relaxed against his chest. He kissed the top of her head again before pulling away. "Go on and get in, Annabeth."

"Okay..." She sighed. "Can you help me?"

He chuckled softly, but she could still see how much he was hurting through the look in his eyes. She felt guilty, still... After Percy helped her get in and left to change the sheets on their bed, she brought her knees to her chest and curled up, letting herself cry again. She hated herself...

The doctor said it was unavoidable, there was nothing they could do to prevent it... But her heart ached. Percy was hurting now, because of her. Because she couldnt keep their baby... Annabeth closed her eyes. She wanted to scream... It wasnt fair. She was 25 years old... She finally got over the fear of having a baby, and then she looses it?

"It's not fair..." Annabeth mumbled brokenly. "Why me? Why now? Everything was gonna be perfect... Why do you have to take it all away?"

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