Chapter 32

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Dedicated to phariedah_
Salam alaykum. Sorry i couldnt update cox i was having some problems with wattpad. But i have solved everyrhing now so here you go.

Grab a snack and enjoyy!


Humairah's POV

Me: ok mama bye i love you too.

I say and disconnect the call.

Adnan: how is everyone there?

Me: they are great. Mama sends her greetings and wishes you a quick recovery.

Adnan: aww how sweet of her.

Me: where did you learn that?

Adnan: what? *takes an apple*

Me: the "aww"?

Adnan: i dunno you always say it. So i learnt it from you.

He saysamd takes a big bite.

Me: whatever. I'm gonna go check on my babies. We are having a dress up party tonight and you are...

Adnan: yesss! I will come insha allah i am the life of the party anyways.

*ding dong*

I go to the door and open it. Voila the minion herself.

Deejah: excuse me am not here for you so move aside. SAFEENA SAFEEYA AUNTY DEEJAH IS HERE.


They thump their way down and run to her screaming.

Someone snakes his arm around myself. And by someone i mean you-know-who.

Me: the kids are watching us.

Adnan: i dont care.

I try...note "try" to remove his hand but its like an ant trying to push an elephant away. Suddenly an idea comes to my mind.

Me: hey isnt it time for your workouts?

Adnan: it is but i can do that later.

Me: i think i left the washing machine on.

Adnan: nice try but i aint moving.

Me: god! Please adnan.

Adnan: okay bribe me with a kiss and i'll let you go.

Me: eew no.

Adnan: eew? Its not like you havent kissed me before.

Me: yeah whatever.

Just at that moment Natasha decided to come. deejah and the kids where already half way to the kids room so thank god the kids wont see her. She is a nightmare.

Adnan immediately tensed up. His muscles almost popping out of his long sleeved shirt. I turn around still in his arms and cup his face.

Me: babe look at me. I need you to calm down for me. Whatever she says keep cool okay?

He looks into my eyes and nods with a tight lipped smile. I hold his hand just in case he goes all angry bird.

Natasha: if it isnt the disgusting newly weds. How ugly is that? I cant beleive you dare cheat on me. Getting married without telling me? That is so cruel.

She started walking towards us.

Me: take another step towards me and my husband and you will regret knowing me.

Natasha: oh...

Deejah: you heard her.

Natasha: who the hell are you? Oh your other bitch adnan?

He tensed up again but i use both my hands to pull him back.

Adnan: you watch what you say because you are in my house. If you dare say another insulting word here i wil drop the fact that you are a woman and deal with you like a man.

Natasha: wow feisty. Look at you going all lion king. I could have given you whatever you wanted. Cant you see i have everyrhing she has?

Me: i think you should leave.

Natasha: you do...

Deejah: you heard her satan. Now leave.


She frowns and flips her hair and leaves. What a brat.

Deejah: interesting. Did you guys know that when you turn natasha backwards it turns to "ah satan"?

Me: seriously?

Deejah: try it out and see.


Me: wow. It suits her.

Safeeya: are you guys coming or what? We are done awanging the cosmetics.

Safeena: yeah come on guysh.

Perfect timing kids.

Adnan: i should go workout.

Me: dont work yourself out okay?

He nods. I give him a quick kiss and leave.


Adnan's POV

My muscles are burning. I should stop but i dont want to. I think i am going to tell her today. No i think i should wait until she asks.

The timer beeps and i get up from the plank position and start lifting weights.

What if she dosent ask? What if she leaves me after telling her? Naah she probably wont.

I was so lost in thoughts i didnt know humairah came in.

Humairah: nice muscles.

Me: jazakhillahu khairan.

Humairah: okay.

Me: arent you going to answer back?

Humairah: what do i say?

Me: when someone tells you jazakhillahu khairan you say wa antum fa jazakhumullahu khairan.

Humairah: okay wa antum fa jazakhumullahu khairan. Enough weigh lifting go take a shower dinner in fifteen minutes.

She attempts to lift the 10kg weigh but she couldnt.

Me: how was the dress up party?

Humairah: oh boy! By the end of it i was looking like the joker. Safeeya did my make up and safeena did deejah's.

Me: is she still around?

Humairah: naah she left about five to ten minutes ago.

I nod and grab my towel.

Me: lets go.

Humairah: *gasps* your arm. its bleeding. I told you not to work yourself out didnt i? And where the hell is your bandage?

That was when i noticed my injured arm bleeding.

Me: i removed the bandage because it was itchy. It must have started bleeding when i was doing planks.

Humairah: go take a shower and meet me in my room so i can dress up the wound.


There you all go.

Stay cool and stay tuned for more.

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