chapter 15

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Dedicated to all my lovely readers. I cant thank you enough. Wallah i love you guys soooo much!

Oops! Salam alaikum everyone😂. Another chappy to make you smile.


Adnan's POV

Am sorry. I cant like you back

They kept repeating in my head. Now i know how it feels to be rejected. Its all my fault. I did everything so quick. I didnt evem talk to her or get to know her better than i already do. Ya allah. I really dont want to lose her. What will she think of me now?

Suddenly someone hugs me from behind breaking me from my thought.

I turn and see my two babies safeeya and safeena.

Me: hello there cuties.

They smile safeeya revealing her missing tooth and safeena's growing one.

I hug them again. They are my life. My everything. They make me smile.

Safeeya: anaani can you pweash make pancakesh for ush?

Safeena: yesh anaani pweash we are hungry amd we dont want to eat nanshy'sh food. It looksh like a fwog(frog😂).

Nancy is their nanny.I laugh at them. They still dont know how to talk correctly. Even at five. Oh ammi how i wish you and dad could see the cuties you have left behind.

Hot tears sting my eyes but i dont show it.

Nancy came in panting. fast.

We all laugh at her as she goes downstairs.

Me: okay banana or pineapple?


Me: banana it is miladies.

I carry both of them. Safeeya on my right arm and safeena on my left. Boy they are getting heavy.


e were eating the pancakes when my phone started ringing. I excused myself and took the whipped cream can with me so the twins wont add more. I answer the phone without looking at the caller ID. I immediately regret doing so. It was Natasha.

Natasha: hi there darling.

Me: what do you want?

Natasha: awww. You wont even ask how am doing? That hurt me.


I say it one by one hoping she would get it into her foamy brain. That is if she do has one.

Natasha: i want you baby. Why did you leave me? You know how much i love you no? Come on adnan i already asked you out twice. How many times do you want me to ask you out until you get it that i do love you huh?

Me: Natasha please leave me alone. Whatever it is that chris told you is a lie. I cant be with you because I DONT LOVE YOU why cant you get it? I dont want to sound rude but you are waking the chained beast in me. I would be careful and start looking for someone else if i were you.

Natasha: but please listen to me or else...

I dont wait for her to finish and hang up. I turn to go back into the kitchen but the phone starts ringing again. I dont repeat the mistake and check the caller its moha.


Me: salam alaikum.

Moha: wa alaikas salam brother inlaw. How was yesterday? You didnt tell me the details like you promised. I hope she didnt reject you?

I facepalm myself and tell him exactly what happened yesterday night.

Me: ...and then she left without letting me talk.

Moha: i am really sorry adnan. Wallahi i dont know why she did that but i will talk to her.

Me: No please dont. You'll only make it worse and besides...

Safeena: *crying* anaani shafeeya ate my pancake and my whish(whip) cweam with my shtwawbewy(strawberry)

I sigh and say.

Me: am sorry moha i gotta go. Please dont say anything to her. Salam.

I hang up and pick the crying safeena in front of me. I got a case to deal with.


Humairah's POV

I couldnt sleep nor eat. I just kept staring at the ring. I didnt even tell houda or mama or any of my family. Not even deejah. I couldnt take it anymore so i just go downstairs to mama's room. I knock first.

Me: salam alaikum

Mama: wa alaikis salam.

Mama was sitting on the fluffy carpet combing her rapunzel hair. Okay lemme not exaggerate but her hair is a bit above knee lenght.
No wonder my hair is also long.

I sit beside her and tell her everything. From the place adnan rescued me from salman and his crew to yesterday. I could see the way she was getting scared as i was telling her the me-almost-getting-raped part.

Me: ...and am so confused mama. I feel as if i did  the wrong thing by rejecting him.

Mama: am so heartbroken humaira. Am i such a bad mother that you couldnt even tell me you almost got raped? Why didnt you tell me?

Ya allah mama is getting emotional. After much convincing and telling her she is the best mom ever, she speaks.

Mama: well the proposing part is not a new thing to me and your abba because muhammad(moha) told us everything yesterday afternoon. Adnan actually ask...

???: salam alaikum.

We turn and see moha coming in.

Ya jabbar! This is going to be a very looooooonngg talk. Thank rabb i've put warm milk in adeerah's bowl so she wont starve in the next two days till moha and mama are done talking.


Salaaam alaikum lovelyyyyyysssh. How are you doing?. We are finnaly getting to know more about adnan. And he has two sisters. Yayyyy! How cute is that. And we have our villain already...can you guess who it is?

Humairah had got herself into a deep shit😂 lol! 

Anyhoooo comment your thoughts awayyyyyyy!

I luf yaaa♡♡♡


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