Chapter 27

118 26 2

Salam alaykum.

Blah blah blah!

Grab a snack and enjoyy!


Humairah's POV

After crying for like an hour or so, someone came into the room. Even though my eyes were blurry i recognised adnan.

He came and sat beside me and the next thing i knew was he hugged me.






Adnan: am so sorry, i shouldnt have said what i said. I was blinded by shaytaan and i said mean things to you. I am so sorry.

Me: *sniff* its okay with me i guess. I am sorry for being mean too.

Adnan: its okay. Just please promise me that you wont talk to salman again. He is pure evil. I have known him for a very long time and i know him like the back of my hand. Stay away from him.

Me: okay then.

Adnan: promise?

Me: i promise.


After our little cute thingy. Things got akward. Me always bumping into him, him complementing me and all.

The best thing i love about him is that he is trying to make me a better muslim. Like saying dua's after salah, after and before eating. Almost everything. I just love him. Ugh i mean the way he makes me a better muslim.

Whatever geez.

Safeena: shalam alaykum.

Me: wa alaykis salam hi sweety.

Safeena: hi. Um i wash wondeying if i could talk to you.

Me: of course you can. Come sit here.

I say and pat my side.

She sits and says.

Safeena: me and shafeeya were thinking of..of..

Me: go on sweety.

Safeena: *deep breath* of what to call you.


Me: i dont get you.

Safeena: it wiyl be wude if we call you by youw name so what do we call you?

Me: thats a tough one. You guys can just give me a nick name. I'm okay with nicknames.

Safeena: we can get you a nickname. Let me go tell shafeeya. Bye.

She kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

My heart just melted!


I was cutting and filing my nails in the when adnan came in.

Adnan: hey you wanna watch a movie?

Me: sure.which one?

Adnan: i dont know. Why dont you choose?

Me: okay i'll be there in a bit.

Ever since our little fight, we are now closer than before.

My phone rings. Its houda.

Houda: i can see adnan is really that romantic that you have completely forgotten about your sister.

Me: houda. Oh Allah its not like that.

Houda: so tell me about it. The wedding night and all.

Me: Eeeew! You got me cringing my face.

Houda: *laughs* so how have you been?

Me: umm...okay and..okay i guess.

Houda: you guess?

Me: i am fine silly.

Houda: i hope so. YESSS! Sorry sis Aj is calling bye i love you.

Me: love you too.

Adnan: you coming?

Me: yes. In a minute.

I leave my hair open and go to his room.

Adnan: so i have Avengers infinity war and Avengers endgame.

Me: avengers endgame will do.

Adnan: alright come sit.


By the end i was crying.

Adnan: you know i still dont get why you are crying.

Me: *sniff* i love *sniff* iron man. H...he dosent deserve to die. *sniff*.

Adnan: *facepalms* ya salam.

I remember his death and start crying again.

Me: its just not fair.

Adnan: need a hug?

I snuggle into him meaning yes.


Was blushing through the whole chapter😄.

I am so so sorry its too short i know. It 12:18am here and am not asleep. Just trying to stick to my new rule of updating on time.

I promise to update tommorow insha allah.

Love you all.

Stay cool and stay tuned for more♡.

THE GIRL HE NEVER NOTICED💔 [COMPLETED ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant