chapter 14

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Salam alaikum habeebtis. Am back again wis anoza lobeli shafta 😂. Any hooo i wont be updating on tym because i just started my waec exams. Wallahi kamar na gudu😒.

So lets grab a snack and enjoyy!.


Humaira's POV.

Alhamdulillah. Today am plus one. Today i am exactly 22 years old. Moha and houda went to the mall yesterday night without me to buy something. Hmnn probably a birthday gift. Cant wait.

????: salam alaikum.

I turn and see mama with her hands behind her back. Oh yeah!

Me: wa alaikis salam. Mama.

Mama: happy birthday sweetheart. Your abba and i got u a gift but first close your eyes.

I giggle a bit and close them like a 2 year old waiting to receive a big fluffy giant cotton candy. I couldnt keep calm.

She tore something like a paper and i suddenly felt something cold on my neck.

Mama: now open them.

I open my eyes and see a beautiful golden locket. I squealed and hugged her.

Mama: dont you want to open it?

I open it and see my,moha,houda,mama,and abba's pic on one side. We took it last year. On the other side its my pic. When i was 14. Oh allah!

I hug her again and lie on her lap. She started combing ny hair with her fingers.

Mama: you know your abba and i were thinking since you have come of age and you have only 2 years to finish school why not get married? But dont get me wrong. We are not forcing you. We just dont want the shaitan (lucifer/devil) to whisper bad things into your heart and allah forbid something happen. I hope you understand?

At first i got tensed when she said marriage but relaxed when she said they are not forcing me.

I was about to speak when someone barged into the room singing. Of course it was deejah.

Deejah: i cant stop the fee...oopsie! MAMA!

She yelled and hugged mama as if she was seeing her after 1649194 years.

Mama : Oh rabb! Khadeeja dont break my bones. My husband still loves me you know.

Mama said and we all laughed.


I quickly get up and run to the other side of the room so she wouldnt break my bones.

Me: calm down please. I dont want the hug keep it. I dont want to get squished on my birthday.

She gasped as if i told her i just came back from the dead.

Deejah : nobody NOBODY! Says no to my special hugs come here cutie pie!

She super jumped and hugged me. Ouch!

Mama just gave me the "we will finish later" look and went out of the room.

Deejah: hums am sorry i didnt get you anything this year. You know i got you a bracelet,ring,wristwatches, so i ran outta ideas. So i just brought some cash so we could S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!!

Me : now i feel like hugging you. But am not going to. Look what mama gave me.

Deejah: O-M-GOODNESS! Its super cute.

houda: salam alaikum.

We both answer and she says.

Houda: hey deejah. Thank gpd you're here. Come help me doll this baby please. We have the dress already.

THE GIRL HE NEVER NOTICED💔 [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now