chapter 2

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Aunt Mahira: khadeeja's mum
Uncle Ibraheem:khadeeja's dad
Lameen: khadeeja's younger brother

Humaira's pov:

Finally it's a weekend. Am finally gonna spend some quality time with my bed and my soft duvet.

After my fajr prayer I decided to go back to sleep but deejah wouldn't let me. She kept calling an texting and calling and texting continuously.

"Arghhhh.."I said in a sleepy voice as I picked us the phone.

"Whoa hold your horses I only wanted to check on you" she said

"At this hour?"I said trying to hokd my angry horses like she said

"Well yeah so?"she said in a duh tone

"So its early!!"i said finally releasing the horses

"Ok ok pls ughhh...just get up bath dress up then snap and send me a selfie" she said

I really can't beleive this girl. She woke me up at this time just because of a selfie? Well she's gonna get it.

"Hellooo? Hums u there?"she said bringing me out of my thoughts

"Yeah am right here"I said

"Uhmm you know what?" I asked her

"Yeah anything babe" she asked not knowing what will come next

"I HATE YOU for waking me up at this hour!"I said almost crying

Actually I really love sleeping. I value my sleep soo very much.

"Seriously?ughh.. Please just get up ,take a selfie and send it to me. Pleeeeaaaasssee?"she said I knew she was making puppy eyes.

"Okay..okay" I said finally giving up.

"Yessss!! Bye ttyl hums!"

"Ok bye" I said and ended the call.
I got up and read the Qur'an alhamdulillah my qira'a is improving. I took a shower and got dressed(picture is up)and took a selfie. Without thinking twice i sent it to deejah.

I played games on my iPad and watched a movie because I couldn't go back to sleep.when it was 9:00 Sharp, I went downstairs to prepare breakfast.we had this tradition at home that every Saturday I get to make breakfast and houda on Sunday.I prepared 
 Pakistani breakfast, locally called nāshtā (ناشتہ‬), consists of eggs (scrambled ), roti, sheermal with tea. It was abba's favourite.

 It was abba's favourite

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I went to call everyone. Ya Allah it was such  a work. After they devoured their breakfast and showered me with compliments,I asked mama whether she'll let me go to deejah's.

"Mama please can i go over to deejah's we are going out?" I asked crossing my fingers.

"What time are you coming back?" Abba asked looking through his reading glasses.

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