chapter 11

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Salaam alaikum guys......i dont know the right words to use in saying sorry to you. I had so many things going on.

Pls bear with me....😊

So lets grab a snack n enjoy..


Humairah's POV

Where is moha? I need to talk to him. Its important. I need maltesers like right now.

I run to his room and see him holding a paper and sipping coffee i think.

Me: moha i wanna talk to you.

Moha: am all ears.

Me: your not paying attention.

Moha: i a... Excuse me sorry.

He answers the phone call and his smile slowly turns into a frown.
He releases the paper,coffee mug, and his phone.

I run to him and hold his hand that was now sweaty.

Me: moha what happened? Who was that?


Me: moha you're scaring me what happened?

Moha: afreen had an accident.

He said it like a whisper.

I was beyond shocked. All i could mumble was innalillahi wa inna ilaihir rajiooon.

Moha leaves the room and i follow him. He headed to his car and still follow him. When he grabs the handle i stop him.

Me: moha you shouldn't drive. Let me call Houda .

Moha: humairah i need to go to her. She needs me there.

Me: calm down please.

I quickly call Houda and she answers.

Houda: hey sis watsup?

me:  not good where are you?

Houda : in my room. Where else would i be?

Me: could you come downstairs like immediately?

Houda: OK in a minute.

I hang up and squeeze moha's hand as if to say *its gonna be okay*

He pulls his hair and slides down. Sitting on the bare floor. I sit beside him and Houda come out.

Houda: what happened?

Me: afreen had an accident.

Houda gasps and says

Houda: which hospital?

Me: i dun...

Moha : silver

Houda: gimme the keys lets go.


Me: hey which room is afreen ishaq in?

Nurse: room 162 third floor.

Me: thanks


when we got out of the elevator, i saw adnan.

Wait adnan?

What is he doing here?

I shrug it off and we knock on the door and a raspy voice says come in.  There we see afreen lying down almost lifeless and a man i assume is her father holding her ha d sobbing quietly.

Moha runs to the other side and kneels down sobbing.

I feel hot tears making their way down to my cheeks.

I run out of the room and start crying.

Suddenly i feel someone's presence behind me. I turn and see adnan.

Me: what are you doing here? *sniff*

Adnan: i was the one who brought her here.

Me: *sob* they don't deserve this. Moha and afreen deserve to be happy.

Adnan : just like everyone else. Allah knows what they are going through. He will help them.

Me: thanks.

Adnan: you are welcome.

I sniff and moha comes out of the room followed by Houda.

I ran to him asking him to what happened but he doesn't talk so i talk to Houda.

Me: what is wrong?

Houda: paralysis. an something struck her from the back so now she won't be able to do anything except talking.

I mumble innalillahi wa inna ilaihir rajiooon.

Ya Allah please help her. Please.

My phone starts ringing and i see mama calling. I quickly answer.

Me: hello

Mama: humairah where are you guys. You had us worried. I have been calling houda and moha. Is everything okay?

Me: mama ill explain everything when we come back. Don't worry.

Mama:okay take care. Salaam alaikum.

Me: yeah bye.

I hang up and turn to Houda.

Me: mama is getting worried. Lets go and come back after asr.

Houda: i don't think moha will come.

Me: give me a minute.

I walk over to adnan.

Me: hey

Adnan: oh hey

Me: umm..i was wondering if you could stay with moha for some time please. Houda and i are going home and we will come back after asr. I hope you dont mind?

Adnan: its okay. You guys should take your time.

He smiled. gosh hes handsome. Ughhh humairah.

Houda: sooo?

Me: he will stay with him.


Adnan's POV

I was surprised to hear her asking something from me. I was ready to do it without even hesitating. Whatever it was.

Her brother who i heard her calling him moha, is shattered. Completely. I hate heartbreaks. I don't know what is between him and afreen,but whatever it was,it was strong.

Ya Allah,you never leave you beloved ones in pain. Please ya Allah help her. Help all of us.


Salaam alaikum😊 how was it? Comment your thoughts away.

Love you all.

Stay tuned for more.


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