Chapter 25

135 24 5

Dedicated to AbdoulMajid836

Salam alaykum

Suuup! Hw y'all doin?

Another chappy for u guys and a big shoutout to AbdoulMajid836

Go read his novel meehn! Its LIT🔥.


Grab a snack and enjoyy


Humairah's POV

First day after wedding is supposed to be a day that the wife gets up real early to make breakfast for her husband. But for me i guess the husband gets to do that.

Earlier about 5:00am adnan came to wake me up for fajr. At first i thought it was my alarm until it touched my face. It was really akward.

About thirty minutes after we prayed, he came into my room with breakfast fit for a queen. Orange juice, scrumbled eggs and toast with strawberries and grapes aside. Yummy!

Adnan: which one are you starting with? Fruits or toast?

Me: I'll decide later. Can you leave me for a second? I cant breath here.

He looks down and i use all my power and strength to hold myself back from hugging him. I feel so bad but whatever.

Adnan: okay then i'll just go check on the girls. They have school.

Me: you dont have to tell me that.

I say and pull the duvet over me.

Im so sorry adnan.

I hear him shut the door and that was when i started devouring my breakfast.


Some hours later, someone called adnan at work that it was an emergency. He was feeling bad that he had to leave me. I also felt a teeny tiny bit bad.

Before he left he introduced me to their maid. Nancy. She is cute with red hair and a pointed nose.

???: hello anyone home?

I heard a female voice.

Nancy: oh my god. Madam please dont beleive a word this lady says. She is the satan herself.

Before i could talk a good looking lady came into the room. She was wearing a nude body-hugging tight dress. So tight that one might say she's naked. 

I wonder how she walks.

Me: may i help you?

Woman i dont know: and who are you?

Me: i am Mrs. Humairah Adnan.

I showed her my ring before shaking her hand.

Thanks to ACRIMONY

(a/n if you have watched the movie then you'll be familoar with this)

Her face started turning red and she yanked her hand away.

Woman i still dont know: Nancy where is my darling?

Nancy: and who is that?

Woman i still dont know: *stomps her feet and leaves*.

I laugh at her reaction. Whoever she is i have a feeling she is bad.

Me: who was that?

Nancy: that is the satan. Natasha. She keeps saying sir adnan is her  darling and blah blah blah. She is crazy.

I just laugh again.

Me: nancy what is the twins favourite food?

Nancy: you'll be surprised ma'am. Pizza and pancakes.

Me: dont they have best healthy food?

Nancy: if mac and  cheese is a healthy food then that is it.


Me: then lets go cook for them.

Nancy: sir adnan also loves it.

I just smile.

Mac and cheese it is.


After nancy and i finished cooking, abba video called me.

Abba: Humairah i hope you are still not upset?

Me: no i am not. How can i be upset with you?

Abba:*smiles* i know you dont want this marriage but i promise you,even after i'm gone, one day you will thank me and your grandma.

Me: grandma also knew about this?

Wicked old lady. I should have put shaving cream in her shampoo.

Abba:yes she knew. Well how are you doing?

After chit chatting for a bit, we said bye and disconnected.

Then deejah called.

I told her everything about Natasha. By the end she was cringing.

Deejah: she sounds disgusting. Truly the satan himself. These are the kind of women that make you start suspecting your husband.

Me: i know right. I wonder what would have happened if he was around? Hey how is your arm and leg?

Deejah: alhamdulillah i can pick things with the hand without any pain from the arm and i can take five to eight steps with the leg. Samira pushed the wrong person. I hope she rots in jail. *evil laugh*.

Me: i hope she decays in jail.

We both laugh.

Later on we said goodbye.

The twins came back with adnan. I didnt want them to suspect us "fighting" (more like me fighting him) so i gave him an akward side-hug. To say he was surprised is the least.

After eating, i bathed the twins and they slept afterwards. I can see nancy told him about Natasha coming because he was red.

My phone buzzed bringing me out of my thoughts.


Yayy i havent heard from him in a while.

This is going to be a loooong chat.


salam alaykum!

The fun part is just beginning so buckle up because the ride is gonna be real bumpy.

And you know what? I GOT MY RANKINGS BACK!!! 💃💃💃💃💃💃

Thank you all so so so much. I couldnt have done this without u guys.

I love you♡♡❤

Stay tuned for more♡♡

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