Chapter 35

130 21 5

Salam alaykum.



Anyhoo. Here u go♡

Grab a snack and enjoy!


Humairah's POV

Moha's wedding day.

Our house was filled with friends and family. Most of them i dont even know. Houda was eating like a hippo. I really hope i dont do that when i reach her stage.

I still cant beleive that i am pregnant. With four babies. Ya salam. Allah is really amazing. My babies are just three months old but it looks like they are six months old. I am still scared but not like before. And adnan has always been there for me and i love him for that.

Throughout the wedding celebrations, mama locked me and houda in her room saying we shouldnt be working amd that we should be resting. I am so tired of resting and houda is always eating so she doesnt even have time for gists.

Mama opens the door and safeena rushes in.

Safeena: ammi ammi safeeya pushed me and ruined my hair.

She says crying. Oh yeah i didnt break the news to you. My babies now call me ammi. The first time they called me ammi i cried myself to sleep the pregnancy hormones decided to pay me a visit.

Houda: how do you differenciate these two? *eats pringles*.

Me: how can a mother not know her kids? safeena has a birth mark on her shoulder blade.

She continies crying and i remember the task at hand.

Me: aww sweety. are you hurt? Where is safeeya?  SAFEEYA.

Her head comes out. She was hiding behind mama the whole time.

Me: come here. Why did you push your sister down?

Safeeya: i didnt mean it. Abdallah taught us a game and i was just following the wules.

Oh allah! I should have known. Abdallah is aunty rahma's son. They came here yesterday. He is twelve and very stubborn. I dont want them hanging out with him.

Me: what game were you playing?

Safeeya: twuth or dare. He dared me to push her down or he will beat me and i must give him my candy.

Ya allah.

Me: i dont want you playing with him. He is older than you. Play with halima and the rest instead. Now apologise to your sister.

Safeeya: safeena am sorry please be my sister again.

Safeena: its okay. We will always be sisters.

Safeena kissed safeeya on the cheek and they hugged.

Houda: *sobs* that is tge cutest thing i have ever seen. I NEED A HUG.

Then she starts crying. Oh boy!


Deejah: hey pregnant lady. How are my babies?

She said bending down and talking to my belly. I push her head away.

Me: leave my babies alone.

Deejah: ouch!

Me: whats the latest?

Deejah: i am in deep shit. There is this handsome guy that keeps following me at school. So last week he decided to man up and talk to me. He said he liked me and wanted to keep things halal so he wants to get married to me. So me being so stupid i told him that if he really wanted to keep it halal then should go talk to my father.

Me: why did you say that?

Deejah: well i happened to be in a really bad mood that day so he was adding more fuel to my fire so i just gave him dad's card to get him off my back. The worse part

Me: is what?

Deejah: he talked to dad and he is now doing some investigations about him. Which means if he approves i will get married to him.

Me: ya allah. What is his name?

Deejah: imran. Imran abdoulbasit.

Me: is he a student? His name sounds familiar.

Deejah: he was a student. He is now a software engineer.

Me: i think i know him. So you are now getting married?

Deejah: if dad approves.

Me: awwww. I hope he does.

Deejah: i wouldnt say that.

Me: why not? You said he is handsome nah? And he sounds religious. I mean nowadays there is hardly a guy that will want to keep things halal.

Deejah: yeah. Youre right.

Safeeya: AMMI AMMI.

Me: yes? Whats wrong?

Safeeya: there is gum stuck in my hair.

Me: ya rabb! Deejah please get me some ice.

Who said parenting is easy?


Adnan's POV

I am so happy for moha that he finally got married snd is happy. Another thing am happy about is that i am going to be a dad to four kids.  I am also happy because humairah is less scared now. I always made sure to keep my promise of always being by her side. Though she has been a bit hormonal.

Talking about humairah i was missing her and the twins so i decided to call her.

Me: salam alaykum honey how are you doing?

Humairah: wa alaykas salam habibi we are doing fine but not so fine. How are you?

Me: what do you mean not so fine? Are you okay? Are the babies coming?

Humairah: what? *laughs* no silly. They are just three months old. Just that mama locked me and houda up in her room saying we need to rest. I am so tired of resting.

Me: how i wish i was the one resting. Honey mama is right you should get as much rest as possible.

Humairah: but i dont want to *sniff* i am tired of resting *sobs* i dont want to rest.

Me: ya rabb! Habibti dont cry please. Isnt houda there? Should i come and pick you up?

Humairah: all she does is sleeping and eating. *cries* i want to go home. I want to work out. I dont want to rest.

Me: all right am coming to pick you up.

Humairah: hey you know what? *laughs*

Oh god my wife is bipolar. I mean she just finished crying and now she is laughing.

Ya rabb!


Salam alaykum. Here you all go.

Stay cool amd stay tuned for more.

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