Aizlynn Saturday

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Earlier I had asked Brice if he wanted to go to my house. He had reluctantly agreed after hearing he had to meet my parents. You see, I have met Brice. Brice has met me. Our parents have met each other. We have not met each other's parents. I don't know why. Well, except for the one time when Brice had picked up my bathing suit.

When we arrive, my mom stands up from the front steps and greets us with a wave.

"You told her?" Brice asks.

"Well, yeah. I mean, she's my mom. And we're going to her house. So... I think she deserves to know."

"If you say so." He waves back when he steps out and plasters a fake smile on his face.

"Hello!" She practically screams. "You must be Brice! I think I remember you! I'm Leah!" She takes his hand. "Nice to meet you! Again!"

More FAKE is written all over his face. "Aw, nice to see you, Mrs. Knight. It's really a pleasure.  Aizlynn loves to tell me about you," he lies.

"Well, I hope they're all good!"

"Of course!" He flinches whe I nudge him. "She only says good things about you."

"Splendid!" She opens the door. "Well, I trust you're a good man because Aizlynn's very interested in you. She just can't keep her mouth shut!"

I can tell Brice liked that last comment.

"Well, anyway, I was just about to say- Aizlynn. What is that? Aizlynn what are you doing, Sweetie?" She doesn't understand me frantically making a cutting motion across my neck. She copies me, and I face palm myself. 

I notice Brice exploring the living room and I say through gritted teeth, "Stop, please."

"Oh, sorry. Was I rambling?"

I nod and pass her.

I find Brice staring at the couch with a hand on his chin. 

"Brice? What are you doing?"

He doesn't blink. Just stares.

"C'mon. Let's go into my bedroom." I look up at him, but he doesn't pay any mind to my presence. I blink twice and wave my hand in front of his face. "Earth to Brice..."

He then looks up at me slowly. I raise and eyebrow, making him feel awkward. So he clears his throat to reduce the tension. "Um, yeah. Your room." He rests his hand on the small of my back, and leads me to the staircase. Then, I lead him the rest of the way.

"Has this changed?" he asks when we get there.


He nods and rubs the back of his neck.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" I ask.

"As in, last night, or all of last week?" It's more of a statement then a question, though.

"Do you want a nap, then?"

"If your room can somehow magically get AC."

My bedroom does have AC, as a matter of fact. It's just not on.

"The cellar's cooler. You can sleep down there."

He raises his brow.

"I mean, like, I made it into a tiny hang out spot. You've seen it before. The room with the yellow walls?"

He nods, again. "Can I have my keys?"


"Well, one: they're mine. And two: I want my pillow and blanket."

I thought he was hot... "Yeah, sure." I toss his keys to him, since I'm the one who drove here.

"And the cellar key. Might need that."

"It's unlocked."

He nods once again and leaves my room. Well, great. I'm hanging out with a maniac. AKA, me. And my mom, too, if she comes in. I sit down at my desk. Oh, well.


Yea, so, um... my mom comes in.

"Why the heck is Brent sleeping in the cellar?"

"His name is not Brent. It's Brice, Mom. That's his brother's name."

"Well, why is he sleeping down there? I was doing laundry, the door was a little open, the light on, so I checked in there, and your boyfriend is sleeping on the bed!"


"Your clothes from earlier are down there, Aizlynn. And, he doesn't have a shirt on. I'm guessing he doesn't have pants on, either."

"You caught me. I let him sleep on my bed. Mom."


"I was not sleeping with him. You know me. I don't have a very wide range of colour choices when it comes to clothes. That shirt is from, like, last week. And the shorts aren't even the same. Relax. I changed down there last week, or so. I had a good reason to change. I was sleeping down there. And, honestly, Mom, I can guarantee he has clothes on."

"Fine. Come with me."

I set my pen down, and I do. I follow her down into the basement.

I sneak into the room. Sure enough, I can see his shirt peaking out from underneath his pillow. 

"Mom, he's got at least boxers on. Yes, maybe he took his shirt and pants off, you're right. But he's not sleeping nude in my bed. He wouldn't do that."

"Check for me, then."

"Ew, no!"

"Well, you're his girlfriend. When your dad and I were your age, we-"

I plug my ears. "Lalalalalala... Thanks for the info!"

I slam the door in her face, lock it, and look over at Brice who slept through all of that. I creep over to his side, and lift up his blanket to check, just in case.

Oh my God!

I'm just kidding. I knew it. He doesn't sleep nude. Phew.

I read for about the next half hour, then Brice wakes up. He shifts and his eyes flutter open. 

He looks over at me, yawns, and says in his groggy voice, "Where you watching me this whole time?" He turns his phone on, and squints. "For, like, an hour?"

I sit on the floor beside the bed. "Maybe."

He grins, but turns back to his screen. "Hope you enjoyed the view, then. Oh, I gotta text from Clay."

"Interesting." I stumble back up to my feet and head out. "Get dressed. My mom thought we were having sex." And I close the door.

"What the hell?" Then he mumbles, "I mean, I guess I could've worn a shirt."

I shake my head, smile, and walk away.

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