Aizlynn Saturday

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I hop into Brice's truck at 7:00 A.M.

"Why the heck so early?" I yawn.

"Because we... have plans." He licks his lips, and moves the gear shift into drive.

When he pulls out onto the road, I ask, " So, where are we going?"

"We are going to McDonald's..." He pulls into the parking lot.


"Hey, don't hate on my Mickey D's."

He pulls up to the speaker.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you today?" She chimes.

"Hey, um, I'll get a large Iced Capp, and, what do you want Aizlynn?"

"I prefer my Starbucks." I say.

"Okay, whatever. That's all."

"Okay, that's $3.49, please continue to the window."

He drives forward to the window, pays, and gets his drink.

"Where to now?" I ask. As much as I want to go to Starbucks, I'm not going to say anything, because then I'll look like a helpless girlfriend, who'd do anything to get a drink at her favourite restaurant. I mean, what?

"Starbucks." He sips his Iced Capp.

"But I didn't even say anything."

"Tele-pa-the-ness... Yeah..." He turns into the Starbucks line.

A couple minutes later, we're off with an Iced Coffee and a Cappuccino. He got two drinks. His reason was something like, "What, a guy can't have two drinks in his hands?" My answer was "No, not while they're driving." He didn't say anything after that.

Next thing I know, he parks in a small bush lane.

"Let's go." Brice squints in the sunlight streaming through the trees. He holds my hand and leads my to a clearing. "It's an old quarry that people forgot about- and, I know what you're going to say- 'So, people can just come here whenever they want?' No, no they can not. But they do it anyway." He points to his head. "I told you. Te-le-le-le-pathy-ne-ne-ssss... Nevermind. Lettuce leaf!"

"Okay, well if we're going swimming, where do we change?"

"Right here. My half sister and I used to, but now she changes in my truck. Just kidding, I don't see her anymore."

"Who does?"

"Kristen. Yeah, anyway, I robbed you. Your bathing suit's in the back."

I raise my eyebrow. "You what?"

"I'm just kidding. Kristen lent it to me. I'm just kidding. I stopped by your house last night to pick it up. I'm not a creep."


He cocks his head, and his expression is enough. I'm serious, Aizlynn. I didn't rob you. You have to believe me. I'm not a creep. I swear. I don't stalk you at night. I didn't secretly go get your bathing suit so I could watch you sleep. I'm not a creep. I promise. Believe me, Aizlynn. Believe me. You still look pretty sexy sleeping, though. But, shoot, you have tel-e-e-le-path-ic-ness, too.

Okay, well I'll be over there." I point and go around his truck.

A few minutes later, I walk around the corner, and see him tying the strings of his shorts. Then he almost kills himself trying to take his shirt off.

I jog over to him to help. At this point, his left arm is stuck up in the air, his right arm is trapped inside the shirt, his face is completely hidden, and it's halfway through his chest. I try to help him pry it off, but we both end up on the ground, with one half of his shirt each.

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