Aizlynn Sunday

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Brice is going 80, while the speed limit is 50, and I'm telling him to stop. Well, slow down, at least.

Like usual, he doesn't listen. Just goes faster.

"Brice- I swear- I will make it my personal duty to assassinate you! Brice, your freaking' mind has something wrong with it!"

He grins. "Well, duh. I have ADHD. What do you expect?"

Sirens. Right behind us.

"Wow, good job, Brice."

"Why, thank you." He slaps the wheel in frustration and sighs. Then he pulls over, and the police walks up to the window.

Brice smiles, all nice, and all that, and says, "Well, hello, beautiful lady. What a nice day, today. And," he gasps and compresses his hand into his chest. "Well, I'll be- Jesus is smiling upon your bright young face. Partly because I'm here, but do I see a Mustang off in the distance? Or, perhaps behind me? Oh, my... you have a Mustang, don't you? I knew it."

"Young man, my name is Officer Jen. And I'm going to ask you some questions. And were you trying to flirt with me, sir?"


"It is illegal to lie to cops."

"It's fine, Officer Jen. I was just being nice... And, I'm really jealous of your GT Ford Mustang."

"Can I please have your driver's license?"

"It's in the... glove compartment thingy. Can I get it?" When she nods, Brice leans over me, and reaches into the compartment for his license. He pulls it out and hands it to her.

"Can I please have any more identification and your insurance?"

Brice blinks a couple times, and leans back over me. "There." He hands her a case. "All my stuff is in there. Um, also I have a question. Am I being detained?"

Officer Jen replies, "Yes," and heads back to her car. She then steps into it.

Brice turns to me. "I seriously am so... ugh."

"What are they doing?"

"I dunno. I was just speeding. Nothing else. It shouldn't be taking this long."

"It's literally been twenty seconds."

It takes around five minutes before Officer Jen comes back with another cop. He inspects the back of Brice's truck and nods at Officer Jen.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step out of your car," she says.

"This is a tru-"

"Sir." She sets her hand on her baton.

"Yeah, okay." He immediately hops out without hesitation.

"And, how many passengers are in your car?"

"It's a..." He hikes up his pants. "Yeah, nevermind. Um, just her."

"Okay, thank you. Ma'am? I'm going to have to ask you to step out as well." I climb out without a word.

The man says, "I'm Officer Dave. Over here, please." He points his hand beside Brice. I walk over to Brice and lean against his truck. "And I'm going to get you to put your hands where I can see them."

Brice and I make sure our hands aren't hidden, and again, a single nod is communicated between the police.

Officer Jen observes as much as she can, then strides back over beside Officer Dave. Then, she looks at Brice's driver's license again, and holds it up in the air. She whispers, "Man, you must've had a bad hair day." She hands it back to Brice. "Sir, have you been handling any drugs lately?"

"That's what this is about? I thought it was because I speeding. No, are you stupid?" Brice rolls his eyes. "Dude, I was just driving. I've never had any drugs in my life, except, a long time ago. But that was years ago, and I don't even remember it. It's just what my family tells me, okay? Now, you have my word, you inspected my truck, and I don't have to answer any more questions."

She looks over at me.

Brice takes a step foreword. "No, she doesn't have to answer anything, either. Am I still detained?"

"Yes, you are."

I look over at Brice. "Hey. I'm fine."

Officer Jen asks, "Have you seen this man use drugs of any kind?"

Brice turns around and says into his hands, "Oh, my God."

"No, I have never seen him use drugs, before. He said that he hasn't for awhile, which is true."

The police took ten more minutes, asking questions, and trying to keep Brice calm, before they finally left.

Brice starts his truck up and pulls back onto the road without a word.

"She's was like, 89..." I mumble.

"I was not flirting!"

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