Brice Wednesday

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I walk into the science classroom and sit in the back right corner.

The teacher starts droning on and on immediately. No "good morning" or "hello". He just says, " Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease that is contracted from the inhalation of fine silica particles as you may already know, if, and only if, you were paying attention to last week's lesson, which most weren't. Today's lesson is going to be on the word, pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. So, moving on..."

He lost me there.

Aizlynn walks in, but the teacher ignores her. She sits down in the seat beside me. After pulling out her supplies, she looks at me, gives me a quick smile, and goes back to staring at her book.

I set my chin down on the desk, very bored, after ten seconds, and, keeping my head facing the front, slowly peek over at Aizlynn. Something's different... I pull out my phone to check the week because I'm stupid like that. Ohhhhh. I knew it was coming soon. I look in my binder for chocolate. I think girls pretend chocolate works, just so they can get free chocolate.

I then give her my Mars chocolate bar from the dollar store. Listen up, I know they're cheap... but they're good, okay? You have nothing to say about this. I bet you do it, too.

She whispers, "Thank you."

I nod my head slowly. I swear she just said "thank".

She leans over sideways, and says, "Got anythin' else?"

I purse my lips. It's extremely hard not to laugh. Seeing her so desperate for her boyfriend's chocolate. Yes, we're dating now. When I asked her, she said something like, "I've known you my whole life. And it took you my whole life to ask. Yes."

I try as long as I can until I can't hold it in any longer. Laughter spews out of me. I clamp my hand over my mouth, and Aizlynn does also, her hand on mine.

The teacher looks up, clearly offended by what happened. He pulls down his Gucci cat-eye glasses to the tip of his nose. "Is there a problem?"

With her hand still on mine, Aizlynn answers, "No, Sir."

"What about the hands?"

"It's a... couple thing," I offer, and get an immediate glare from Aizlynn. Okay, so maybe it's not very convincing, it's just what came out.

He puts his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose, very annoyed, and reads from the book.

Aizlynn and I look at each other. I start to laugh again, but this time I sound like Donald duck. The teacher stares me down. "Brice, front left, switching with Ben. Ben, switch with Brice... Now."

Ben quickly rushes over to my side, and I head up to the front. I plunk down in my new chair, which is disgustingly warm.

Twelve minutes later, I'm lost. Actually, to be honest, I don't even know a single word he said since I swapped seats. I look back at Aizlynn, who is now, very extremely depressed. She glances up at me. She fake smiles, showing off her white teeth.

I laugh and shake my head. When I look back at her again, she's fidgeting a lot. I try to get her attention. First, by whispering, then second by just looking at her, which I don't know why I think that's gonna work. I try waving at her, and I sort of miscalculate when Jay walks past, because next thing I know, I'm sprawled out on the floor, with the whole class looking at me, including the teacher. Hm, I think. I must've fallen. Y'know those moments when yo totally do something but don't remember doing it at all? Like, muscle memory or something? That's it.

"Brice, I don't know what your problem is today, but-" Mr. Greene starts.

"Nope, I'm great."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Yeah."

He doesn't look convinced, but ignores me, anyway. I stand up, getting a few snickers from the class, but don't pay any attention. I look back at Aizlynn, who's trying not to laugh, and give her a thumbs up. I then reach into my backpack, and pull some Hershey kisses out. Aizlynn's watching me closely, and I pop some in my mouth. Then I throw one across the room. It hits her right boob, and I just laugh. She fake frowns, and opens her mouth. I unwrap another one, and chuck it at her. It goes straight into her mouth, and she almost chokes on it. She clears her throat, and chews it. I grin, still chewing mine. She smiles at me, but this time, doesn't trust me enough, so she just puts out her hand. I toss one that I licked. She doesn't know, because I put the wrapper back on it. She eats it. I start laughing, and the teacher looks at me.


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