Brice Thursday

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I roll the windows down, and let the breeze tousle my hair... and let the breeze blind Aizlynn with her extremely, painfully long hair. I slip on my sunglasses, and I mean hey! At least my Justin Beiber hair won't gouge out my eyeballs. And, on the bright side, I won't get blinded by the sun! Ha... Okay, Brice, nobody gets your joke, just shut up. No one cares.

Aizlynn digs through her backpack to find some shades, as well, but instead pulls out a tampon. I laugh and she turns red. She buries her face in her backpack, so I don't hear her whisper, "Oh, God."

She's still holding her tampon, so I grab it, look ahead, and keep driving. Her head darts up immediately.

"Oh my gosh, Brice! What the heck? Give it back!"

"Give what back?"

"You know what, you freak!"

"What?" I laugh. "Seriously, though. What?"

"My tampon! Brice, you're so immature!"

"Oh, that old thing? You know what- what if I could try it? You think it's the right size? Or is it the super one?"

"O my gosh, Brice! You're disgusting! And you've been spending too much time in the girl's section." She grabs at my left leg, 'cause it's under it.

"Frickin' give it back!"

"Oooh, feisty."

She finally gives up and pouts.

I swerve the truck. And again. And again. She stares me down.

She rolls her eyes and says, "I now see why you're adopted."

"Geez, I think it's your week."

She grits her teeth and glares out the window.

"There's the attitude right there."

She turns around and attempts to slap me on the cheek. But I'm too fast. She misses again.

"Haha, sucker," I say.

She gets me after four more tries. "Haha, sucker."

"Stalker," I mumble. She tries to hide her smile. There we go. That's Aizlynn. "You're laughing because you're a stalker? That's really creepy. Aizlynn, stop. Just because I have stuff going on with girls doesn't mean you get to laugh at me."

She's laughing uncontrollably, now.

"Is it really that funny?"

She hits me. "Stop."

"Well, I don't want you pissed off at me, so- punch buggy!" I punch her, but she gets me first.

"Haha, sucker," she says.

"You, no joke, are a stalker. You need immediate intense care."

"I can go live with you. You can take care of me."

"Yeah, no. Good try, though. You have to finish your education first. Aizlynn, we've already been through this." I toss her tampon back. "I was gonna keep it as a souvenir, but I decided not to... I regret that now."

"Never do that again. Or else."


"I dunno! I can't beat you up or anything! But just remember, you have been warned..."

I smirk. "We're here. Hop out."

We walk down a trail that leads to a clearing with a pond and a cliff.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see."

I take Aizlynn's hand and lead her up the huge stone bluff.

She says, "Wow..."

"Yeah, I know. I get that a lot."

Rolling her eyes, she sits down and motions for me to go beside her. After awhile, I break the silence.

"Wanna jump in?"

"I didn't bring swim stuff."

"Me either. Here's what I'm thinkin'. Just hear me out here." I pull out a notebook. "We play Truth or Dare. If you skip a question, you get a point. Person with the most points after ten questions each, goes skinny dipping. Deal?"

"Deal. 'Cause I'm gonna win. Duh."

"If you say so." I start with, "Truth or Dare?"


"Who's the first boyfriend you've had?"


"Ew, Justin!"

"Yea, tell me about it. T or D?"


"Startin' out strong. Okay. Uhm... I dare you to do three backflips off this cliff. Right now."

I line myself up and take off. It's a thrilling experience, with the wind howling in my ears, and the motion taking my breath away. And when I spiral into the frigid water, it steals my every right to live. I go deeper and deeper, until I know I can't hold my breath in any longer. Once I reach the surface, I let my head bob above the ripples, and soak in the light.

"How is it?!" Aizlynn yells.

"Um..." I forgot she was there. "Good."

I swim to the edge and climb back up to her.

I get right into it again. "Truth or Dare?"




"Oh, my Go-okay- you a virgin?"


"C'mon, girl, you gotta be tellin' me these things." I write down a point.

"T or D?"


She thinks for a moment before replying. "I dare you to go skinny dipping. Right now."

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