Brice Friday

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I pass Aizlynn in the hallway after school and back track my steps then lean on the locker beside her's. "Hey, what'cha doin' this weekend?"

She stops loading her backpack for a second to think. "I dunno." Then she sighs. "Brice. We're hanging out. Don't you remember?"

"Psht... Yeah..."

She starts walking away and I spin around and catch up. "Maybe we could go somewhere today, though?"

"We're going somewhere now, ya' dumb dumb."

"Where we goin'?"

"I'm driving so you can't know, remember?"

"But, it wouldn't hurt to at least hint at it, right?"

"Yes, it would. But, good try."

I follow her out to her blue Toyota car, which is from the 2011's for some reason.

"That car looks like an antique."

"No, it doesn't." She unlocks it after about five tries.

I hop into it, then immediately step back out and smile at Aizlynn.

She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we can take my truck. No way I'm going in that thing."


"Get rid of my lavender allergies, and we're all set to go."

"Oh, my gosh, sorry. I didn't know."

"Out of the entire lifetime I've known you?"

She shrugs when I toss her my keys.

We head over to my truck. "Just please don't ruin it?" I wince.

"Cost? And, also, this is a nice truck."

"Yeah, it's a Ford F-150 Sport." I whisper, "And it was $50,000... that's the dealer cost..."

"Oh, my God! Well, I'll try not to crash it, then."

We both get in, and she pulls out of the parking lot, and drives down the road.

We reach our destination, which is apparently a huge house.

"This your house?" I ask.

"Follow me." She leads me to the door, and steps inside.

"Mom, my friend is here!"

Maybe there's something you should know. Our mom's have met. We have met. But we haven't met each other's parents.

"Boy or girl? And who?"

"His name's Brice. Like, Marjorie and Bill's kid."

"Oh, oh, my gosh!" Her mom scurries to the entrance and hugs me very briefly, then shakes my hand. "Hi! I'm Leah! Nice to meet you! I'm sure you'll love it here! There's nothing to worry about! No dogs or cats or mosquitos! Most of the time... Anyway! I hope you have a grand time! Rule number one: no killing people! Rule number two: have fun! Also, Aizlynn can't stop talking about you, so anyway!"

Aizlynn makes a cutting motion across her throat.

"That's okay," I laugh. "Don't worry. Your daughter is too nice to kill."

"Well, splendid! Have fun, you two!"

Aizlynn says through gritted teeth, "Don't interact with the mother." Then she drags me into her room.

"Lime green walls. Nice."

"Thanks. Don't judge me. Don't blame me. They were here when we moved.

"Yeah, I'm totally blaming you."

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