Aizlynn Wednesday

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My eyes flutter open, and after a little, my vision clears. I shut my eyes again and shift closer to his body warmth because I'm cold. Then I open them again.

Clay: remember that one time that you took pics of me in gr. 8 and sent them to Ryley to try to get me some people and it DID NOT work

Brice: ya that was sad

Clay: hey, so wanna hang out today? Jay's busy

Brice: can't busy

Clay: are you going to be free later?

Brice: no sry bro

Brice: not 4 another wk

Clay: damn. Did you pick up a chick or something

Brice: actually her mother. gotta luv them hens

Clay: i like cougars better tbh

Brice: goddamn clay. Bro u got news?

"Who's Clay?" I ask.

He jumps and his phone drops on his face. "Holy shit. You scared the shit out of me. Don't fuckin- oh, Jesus Christ. And that really hurt like a bitch. That landed on my fuckin' nose. What the hell?"

"Sorry, I was just wondering," I say.

He holds his hand over his chest. "I thought you were gonna fucking beat the shit outta me."

"So, who is he?"

"He's my best friend."

"Does he go to our school?"

"No. He moved last year."

I nod my head slowly.

"Hey." He pulls himself out from underneath me, and props himself up on his arm.


"No, I have a game," he states. Oh, no. "So, I get to record you doing what I want you to, and you get to record me doing whatever you want me to do. And it has to be in the state and condition that you are in at the moment. But, if you don't want to do it, the person gets to take your phone... No, not that."

"You get your phone taken away, and you have to stand under freezing cold water for five minutes."


"Oh, dear God, no."

"Why not? It'll be fun, Azzy. And I even said 'deal'."

"Why would I not do something that you suggested?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, but you're not helping much."

"Oh, my God. You're games always end up with something embarrassing of me."

"No, they don't," he scoffs. And then he comes to the realization. "Shh. Don't tell Azzy."

"Fine," I grumble.

"I must really have an effect on you if you give in this easily all the time," he smirks.

"I can just not play," I say and examine his face.

"Nah, I'm good. You can play."

"Are you forcing me, Brice Daniels?"

"I dunno, Aizlynn Knight. Am I?"

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