Dean's Song

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All the bands, hosts and judges parked their vans in the hotel parking lot. They all just got back from having dinner together and celebrating with The Balor Club before they leave tomorrow. As everyone walked to the hotel doors, Dean opened the back of The Shield's van and grabbed his acoustic guitar.

Seth-''Bro, you not coming with us?''

Dean-''No. I er....I need some time to be alone.''

Roman-''Oh, ok. Don't wander off too far.''

Dean smiled.

Dean-''I won't.''

Dean strapped his guitar to his back and bumped fists with Seth & Roman.

Dean-''Later, brothers.''

Dean walked off. Seth and Roman walked off towards everyone else as Becky noticed that Dean was walking away from the hotel.

Becky-''Hey, guys?''


Becky-''Where is Dean going?''

Roman-''Oh, Dean does this from time to time when he's got a lot on his mind.''

Seth-''Yeah. Dean likes to take a walk and to be alone to clear his mind. He'll be alright.''

Roman-''Yeah. It's just what he does.''

Becky-''Ok. Well, I'll just go say goodnight then.''

Seth & Roman smiled as Becky ran off and caught up with Dean on the corner on the street.


Dean turned around.

Dean-''Hey! Are you ok?''

Becky-''Yeah, I'm fine. Seth & Roman told me that you like to be alone sometimes to clear your mind. So, I just wanted to say goodnight.''

Dean-''Oh, ok.''

Becky kissed Dean.

Becky-''I hope you manage to clear up whatever is on your mind.''

Dean-''Thank you.''

Becky-''Well, goodnight.''


They smiled and Becky turned and started walking off.

Dean-''Becky, wait!''

Becky turned around again.


Dean walked up to Becky and took her hand.

Dean-''Will you join me?''

Becky-''Are you sure? Seth & Roman said that you like to be alone at times like these.''

Dean-''I know. But I'd really love it if you joined me.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''I'd love to join you.''

They kissed.

Dean-''Let's go.''

Dean & Becky walked off. They went to a nearby park and sat down on a hill that had a great view of the stars.

Becky-''This is beautiful. How often do you take a late night walk to clear your mind?''

Dean-''Only when things are overwhelming. It doesn't happen too often but when I come out to a place like's so peaceful.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''Well, I can understand that being one of the final 3 bands left in this competition can be nerve wrecking.''

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