Meeting Some Of The Other Bands

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All the bands were waiting in the lobby. Then all the band's singers walked up to the front desk to collect their room keys.

Edge-''No way! Lita?''

Lita looked to her right and saw Edge.

Lita-''Edge! Oh my goodness.''

They hugged.

Lita-''It's been forever. How are you?''

Edge-''I'm good. How are you?''

Lita-''I'm great. Is Christian here?''

Edge-''Yeah, he's over there.''

Lita-''Cool. This competition is great, huh?''

Edge-''It sure is. I'd love to meet your band mates.''

Lita-''And I'd love to meet yours.''

Edge-''Let's go.''


They walked off.

Bray-''Sorry about my band mates just staring earlier.''

Styles-''Not a problem.''

Triple H-''I guess when it comes to wanna look intimidating.''

Bray-''We're not as scary as we look. I'm Bray Wyatt.''

Styles-''AJ Styles.''

Triple H-''I'm Triple H or Hunter.''

They all shook hands.

Triple H-''My band is Evolution. How about you two?''

Bray-''We're The Wyatt Family.''

Styles-''We're The Balor Club.''

They looked over & saw their bands talking to each other.

Bray-''Well, at least they're getting along.''

Styles-''For now. But once this battle of the bands starts...''

Triple H-''It's gonna be all out war.''

They laughed & walked off to their bands.

Alexa-''I knew there were gonna be 10 bands but this place is crowded.''

Paige-''You'll get use to it.''

Alexa-''I won't have to.''

Paige-''What do you mean?''

Alexa-''Bands will get eliminated after every show. So, this crowd will be thinning out very soon.''

Alexa walked off.

Paige-''Wow. Isn't she pleasant.''

Becky-''Paige, is that you?''

Paige turned around and saw Becky.

Paige-''Becky Lynch!''

They hugged.

Becky-''I had no idea you were in a band.''

Paige-''Things change. How are you?''

Becky-''I'm good.''

Paige-''You seem ready for this competition.''

Becky-''I'm more than ready. The Four Horsewomen are gonna steal the show.''

Paige-''Well, in order to have to beat Absolution.''

Sheamus-''And The Bar!''

Becky looked to her right and saw Sheamus.

Becky-''Sheamus? No way!''

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