Heading To Jackson, Mississippi

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All the bands, judges and hosts were ready to hit the road. Dean & Roman stood by their van as they watched Seth saying goodbye to Paige.

Dean-''This has got to be crushing Seth right now.''

Roman-''I know. But what can we do?''

Dean-''I wish I had an idea.''

Becky-''I might have an idea.''

Becky said as she walked up to Dean and Roman.

Roman-''What do you have in mind?''

Becky-''I actually need to talk to The Rock first. Be right back.''

Becky kissed Dean and ran over to the judges.

Becky-''Rock, Jericho and Elias?''

Rock-''Hey, Becky.''

Becky-''Hi. Can I ask you guys something?''


Becky-''Once a band is eliminated, they're not allowed to join another band as a band member, right?''

Jericho-''That's right.''

Becky-''But is it ok for someone to join a band as a manager?''

Rock-''Well, that's not against the competition rules. So, I guess it's ok.''

Elias-''Yeah. I'm cool with it.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''Thanks guys!''

Jericho-''No problem.''

Becky ran over to Absolution's van.

Paige-''Well, I guess it's time to go.''


Becky run up to them.

Becky-''You don't have to go, Paige.''

Seth-''Really? How?''

Becky-''I asked the judges and they said that it's ok for someone to join a band as a manager.''


Becky-''Paige, will you be The Four Horsewomen's manager?''

Paige-''Oh my goodness. Are you serious?''


Seth-''Paige, please say yes. That way we can still be together.''

Paige-''But what about Absolution?''

Miz-''We'll be fine, Paige.''

Miz, Maryse, Mandy & Sonya walked up to them.

Maryse-''Be their manager until the competition is over. Plus, you're not gonna meet someone like Seth back home.''

Miz-''We support you.''

Paige-''Thank you so much guys.''

Absolution had a group hug.

Paige-''I love you guys.''

Maryse-''We love you too.''

Miz-''Take care of her, Seth.''

Seth-''I will.''

Absolution got in their van as Dean & Roman walked up to Becky, Seth & Paige. Absolution drove off as all the other bands waved.

Paige-''Thank you, Becky.''

Paige & Becky hugged.


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