Chapter Forty Five

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But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin. -Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

It is a special kind of privilege to wake up beside the one you love. Noah always looks devastatingly handsome in the mornings, but today in particular, there was a radiant glow to him that had my heart aching.

All I could think about when I looked at Noah was how beautiful he is. When I looked at him, I suddenly understood why Romeo and Juliet allowed themselves tragic deaths, why Jack made Rose lay on the door alone and why Darcy and Elizabeth fought so hard to keep the love they obtained. I understood how it felt to love someone so beautiful I would perish for them.

It seemed as though the storm had passed us, as specks of sunlight crept through Noah's curtains. He was still sleeping; soft, shallow breaths escaping his chest. In this quiet moment, I found myself believing in fate.

Almost subconsciously, I ran a hand through his hair gently, mesmerized by the soft touch and subtle shine. His eyes slowly opened, and I'm struck once again by the exhibition of colours that swam through them. How had he been blessed with eyes that reflected Earth?

"I love it when you look at me like that," he murmurs, voice slightly muffled by the pillow he rested against.

"Like what?"

"Like I'm the answer to a question you have been asking your whole life."

I feel my lips lift into a small smile, utterly captivated by him. "You are. When I'm with you, everything makes sense."

Noah's hand slips into mine, his thumb stroking the back of my hand in a comforting manner. "You're my salvation, Diana. And I hope there is never a day where you doubt that."

"Who would have thought I would ever have Noah Jackson wrapped around my finger?"

Noah smirks, running a hand through his hair, "oh and you're not whipped for me? It's a two way street, my love."

I roll my eyes and say jokingly, "My mom taught me to make sure the boy always wants you just a little bit more than you want him. I won't let myself disappoint her."

He chuckles and yawns, stretching a little, "how cruel. But I guess when you're as beautiful as you are, it's only smart to use it to your advantage."

If only he knew the true effect he has on me; I don't think I have ever seen a more heavenly view.

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I called my mother after I finished washing up. "Hey, mom," I say cheerfully into the phone. "Sorry I couldn't call last night; had no connection."

"I think the radio towers were busted, cause we didn't have any connection, either," my mom replies. "I'm just glad to hear you're okay. Are you still at Noah's?"

"Yeah, we were in the middle of dinner when the electricity went out," I blow a strand of hair out of my face. "I'll be home soon. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie," my mother sings. "Give Rachel my thanks. See you in a bit."

With that we hang up, and I emerge from the bathroom. I find Noah waiting for me in the living room, eyes on the TV about last night's storm. Like we had thought, the radio towers blew out and the main highways had been closed off, but everything is back up and running now.

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