Chapter Eighteen

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Open your eyes and see what you can with them, before they close forever.-Anthony Doerr, All the Lights We Cannot See

Joshua Williams transferred the very next week and no one would shut up about it. Girls already loved him the moment they laid eyes on him and he enjoyed having his presence be known.

Many people already knew him from hearing about him and seeing him at parties. Joshua couldn't help but attract attention immediately. He's attractive and charismatic, and that's all it takes for him to become just as popular as Noah, Damon and Hunter. Especially with the girls.

"Why waste your time on Diana?" I hear a Junior girl flirt with him right beside my locker, where Josh conveniently got a locker, too. "She has Noah, and you don't want to get on his bad side."

"You seem like fun, baby doll," Josh replies. "But I like a challenge. I couldn't care less if some other guy is pining after her. I'm Joshua Williams, I always get the girl."

I slam my locker shut in annoyance, successfully capturing Josh and the pretty Junior's attention. "Don't you have anything better to do than flirt with younger girls, Josh?"

Josh grins lazily. "I'm just giving the girls what they want. A little taste of Josh."

The Junior falls for that shitty line and giggles, blinking up at Josh flirtatiously. "Give me a call when you inevitably fail with Diana."

"Guess you won't be hearing from me, Sarah." Josh winks at me while I roll my eyes. Did this guy ever give up?

The Junior frowns. "It's Sandra."

Josh frowns for a moment as well. "I don't think so."

He makes me want to slam my head into a door.

The Junior, Sandra, walks away with a look of annoyance. Josh observes her while she walks away, watching as she brushes her hair back over her shoulder without so much as a glance our way. There is a small smirk on his lips that has me questioning his motives.

"So, I was thinking—" Josh starts.

"That never ends well." I scoff, clutching my textbook and begin walking away.

Since Josh is tall, he easily keeps pace with me. Unfazed, he continues, "Dinner tomorrow night. Let me show you the guy you first fell in love with."

I stop in my tracks, leading to Josh crashing into me, causing me to stumble. I turn around to look at him in disbelief. "I don't think what we had can be called 'love,' Josh."

"Denial isn't healthy, Diana," He leans forward and brushes my hair over my shoulder. I find myself not moving away from his touch. "I really did love you. I still do."

I am quiet for a moment, finding myself a little lost in his pretty eyes. Maybe I had loved him. Maybe it had been more than infatuation. I still don't know.

"Can't take no for an answer, can you, pretty boy?" Noah's heard as he approaches us. "Leave her alone."

Josh glances at Noah. "Mind your own business, Jackson."

"Diana is my business," Noah replies in an annoyed tone. "Can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you?"

Josh looks back at me and winks, causing my cheeks to redden. "I'll see you later then, sweetheart."

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