Chapter Thirteen

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'Why is it,' he said, one time, at the subway entrance, 'I feel I've known you so many years?' 'Because I like you,' she said, 'and I don't want anything from you.'-Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

I pull on a lavender turtle neck sweater and white skirt, along with a lavender headband. I put on my pair of white, knee-high boots and start my makeup. I add a gentle amount of eyeshadow and some eyeliner; my best attempts at replicating Trixie Tang's makeup.

I had already asked my parents if I could sleep over at Damon's. They were slightly reluctant, but gave me permission after I told them Alyce, Thalia, Jasper and Katia would also be staying the night.

Noah already told me he would give me a ride to Damon's and since everyone else had already agreed to sleeping over, he suggested we also stay the night. Damon was more than happy to let us sleep over.

"You think Damon will talk to Mackenzie tonight?" I ask Noah. "Being drunk definitely helps speed up confrontations."

He hesitates, "Damon's...complicated. He's used to black and white. Every relationship he has had before Mackenzie was straightforward. She is his exception. He doesn't know how to navigate a relationship that has so many different shades of grey. I think he just needs some time to figure everything out before talking to her again. I doubt that conversation is going to happen tonight."

Though I do not want to admit it, my life has always been very black and white, too. It had been simple, quiet and unadorned. That was, until I met Noah Jackson, who had been ready to paint my world with fireworks of colours from our very beginning. I wonder what new colours he will show me as our story continues.

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Noah looks cute in a pink t-shirt and hat.

Katia and Jasper had decided to go as Cosmo and Wanda. When we got to the party, they spotted us and laughed. We ended up taking a group photo before they split off once more. If I need any confirmation that my friends and I all share the same three brain cells, that would be it.

Damon's house is huge. I'm pretty sure it counts as a mansion. The music blasts through several speakers, the bass thrumming through my body. The amount of people here is astounding; I never realized just how many people Damon knows. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise; if I've learned anything about Damon this past month, it is that he is a social butterfly.

"Noah! Diana!" Damon exclaims happily. Per Thalia's request, Damon, Hunter, Alyce, Thalia and Lauren went as a group from the Purge. The two boys are wearing black suits and the girls are wearing white dresses with black stockings and red paint splashed upon them. They all wear the same frightening, white mask. Thankfully, Damon's mask is off.

"Hey, man," Noah says and does one of those boyish handshakes. "Party looks great. There are so many people here already."

Damon nods. "Some guys in our grade from another school crashed. But it was only four guys and they all dressed up as superheroes so I let them stay."

Noah laughs. "You better hope they can handle their alcohol."

Damon shrugs nonchalantly. "They seem cool. I actually met one of them at a westside party a few months ago."

"These are Westside guys?" Noah raises an eyebrow. "They're little shits."

"Well, so is Hunter, but he's not a Westside boy," I put in and Damon laughs. "They might not all be bad."

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