Chapter Twenty Six

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That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty, [...] you fall in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. Girls. Jesus Christ. They can drive you crazy. They really can.-J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Noah and Amelia spend every minute of every day together. Whenever Noah asks me to go snowboarding, Amelia tags along. Whenever he asks to get hot chocolate or coffee, she is there. I couldn't even get annoyed because she is perfectly lovely.

Noah, Amelia and I are currently in Noah's hotel room, lounging in the small living room. The TV is on, talking about the weather; it is going to be perfect for snowboarding. Damon, Mackenzie, Alyce and I had already agreed to go on the slopes later in the day. In the meantime, I get to spend more time with Noah and Amelia. Great.

"Jasper, Hunter and I are going for lunch soon, if you two want to join," Noah invites us.

"No, thanks," I decline. "I'm snowboarding with the others."

Amelia grins a little, "I think I'll stay here, too."

Noah grabs the hotel key from the counter. "I'll see you guys later, then."

Noah leaves us in the room, a silence aside from the TV settling upon us. Though Amelia and I have been spending a lot of time together, it's never been without Noah.

"Noah is still the same, amazing boy," she says. Her tone is sweet; melancholic. "He's so great."

I shrug, unsure what else to do except crack a light joke. "I think Harley's cooler."

Amelia grins at that. "Harley is quite awesome, isn't she? I used to think about them a lot in France. Mostly Noah. I would wonder if he's moved on yet, or if he even bothered to branch out from just Hunter and Damon. I never thought I'd move back to see such a big group of friends."

"It's been a year. Things can't always stay the same." I try not to allow any bitterness to slide into my tone. I'm not sure if I am succeeding.

She smiles sadly, "I know. I just never thought I'd have to see Noah so happy, with someone who isn't me."

"I could say the same thing," I scoff. "Ever since you showed up, it's all he could talk about. It's all about you now, and I can tell he's still clearly in love with you."

Jealousy and spite are fuelling my words. I know Amelia doesn't deserve my petty remarks, but I have never been one to bottle up all my emotions. They have to come out in one form or another.

Amelia laughs, a melodic sound, "Noah isn't in love with me. Not anymore. I can't say the same for me, though. Seeing him again brought back feelings I haven't felt in a year. He makes me want to fall in love all over again."

Pass me the bleach. Of course the beautiful girl in front of me still has feelings for Noah. And of course she has to come back into his life just at the moment I realized I have feelings for him, too. My life has always been filled with almost's.

"Well, you are moving to our school," I say, attempting to sound light and cheery. "Who knows what could happen?"

"There's a party tonight, at my friend's cottage," Amelia says slowly. "I was wondering if Noah, you and all your friends would like to come. I was hoping I could use this as an excuse to flirt with Noah more."

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