Chapter Twenty Five

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I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you.-Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

It takes about five minutes of awkwardly standing beside Noah for him to finally remember I am also there. He turns back to me, an arm still around her waist. He has this shine in his eyes that I have never seen before.

His words from around a month ago echo in my mind: "Amelia doesn't matter to me anymore. I know she's happy and healthy in France and that's all that really matters."

Well isn't that just punch-you-in-the-gut hilarious to think back on. It sure seems like she still matters to him now that she's standing right in front of us.

"Sorry, Diana," Noah apologizes, still beaming. "This is Amelia. Amelia, this is my friend, Diana."

"It's great to meet you," A subtle French accent tinges her voice. She's pretty, polite and has a gorgeous accent? How is that fair?

"What are you doing here?" Noah asks her. "Visiting over winter break?"

"Actually, my parents want to move back here," Amelia grins. "We decided to come for winter break, just to see if we still liked it here. So far, my parents are falling in love with the city again."

"So you're here to stay?" I ask, feeling jealousy as Noah's face lights up with excitement.

"Looks like it," Amelia nods. "We already found a house and got the papers to enrol into school. Hopefully, I'll be enrolled after the New Years."

"Will you be at our school?" Noah asks.

Amelia nods, happiness gleaming in her eyes. "I've already talked to the principal. She says there's a spot available for me!"

"That's so great!" I manage to get out, hoping it doesn't sound too forced.

Noah is looking at her in such a way that makes me believe she is his miracle. He looks like he had never stopped loving her, and for some reason, that hurts more than anything.

This is the moment when I realize that I like him. I like Noah Jackson.

I am falling for his smile, those hazel eyes and messy hair. I am falling for his flirtatious remarks and witty banter. I am falling for him.

Well, this fucking sucks.

I like a guy who currently has his ex-girlfriend latched to his arm.

"Well, we were going to go get dinner, but we can go later, right?" Noah asks me, giving me a pleading look.

Despite the irritation that runs through my body, I nod. "Of course. I'm sure you want to see some old friends."

"Damon and Hunter will be so excited," Noah agrees. "What do you say, Amy?"

Amelia smiles. "That sounds great. I've missed them."

"I've missed you." Noah says so quietly that I almost don't catch it.

"I've missed you, too, N," Amelia says gently. "So much."

They may as well have hit me with a car at this point. That is how much fun I am currently having.

"Hunter and Damon should be in our room by now," Noah says, leading her towards the staircase. "You can meet our new friends, too."

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