Chapter Ten

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She was wearing a pair of my pajamas with the sleeves rolled up. When she laughed I wanted her again [...] but as we were fixing lunch, and for no apparent reason, she laughed in such a way that I kissed her.-Albert Camus, The Stranger (L'Étranger)

For some reason, Alyce loves Halloween more than anything. Out of all the holidays, including her birthday, Alyce prefers Halloween over everything. I don't personally see the appeal of Halloween, it is just a bunch of people pretending to be something they're not. Isn't that pretty much high school?

Now that the first week of October has passed, Alyce has been non-stop talking about Halloween. She's not sure what she should dress up as, but she's even more picky since we got invited to Damon's Halloween party. Miraculously, Halloween falls on a Saturday this year.

"Can't I go as myself?" I whine to Damon. Noah chuckles beside me.

He shakes his head, disappointed. "Elington, you're killing me. It's a Halloween party. Of course you can't go as yourself."

"But I hate dressing up."

"Then don't wear anything," Damon winks, throwing an arm around me. I roll my eyes at Damon's flirty self. "It will be fun, I promise. Just throw on some Minnie Mouse ears and call it day. Put a little effort."

"C'mon, Diana," Noah says lightly. "We can pick a costume together. It can be simple, if you want."

I sigh in defeat, knowing there is no way of getting out of this. So, I agree reluctantly to do a costume with Noah, much to their glee.

"Just a heads up, Mackenzie is coming," Damon tells me. "I know you two aren't the greatest of friends. And Alyce isn't really a huge fan, either..."

"Why did you invite Mackenzie?" I ask purely out of curiosity. They don't exactly seem to be on good terms either.

"She's pretty," Damon shrugs. "Pretty people are always invited to parties. It's why you're invited, sweetheart."

Noah and I both give a disapproving look his way while he smiles innocently. "Quit the flirting, Damon." Noah warns his friend.

Damon holds up his arms in a surrender motion. "I wasn't aware that Diana has a guard dog now."

"Me neither," I reply dryly. "It's a little shallow to invite someone for their looks, don't you think?"

Damon shrugs. "Mackenzie isn't as bad as everyone thinks."

That's the moment when Noah becomes more curious as he looks at his friend through glowered eyes. "What are you hiding?"

I swear I see Damon's cheeks become pink. "Okay, fine. During the summer we worked together at an overnight camp as camp counsellors. You should see her in the wilderness with little kids. She's like a completely different person when she's away from here."

"Sounds like bullshit," Alyce huffs. "She probably just hypnotized you into liking her with her witch powers."

"She doesn't seem very fond of you. You guys had a weird conversation in the hall yesterday." I remind him.

"She likes to pretend we barely know each other," Damon says ominously. "We had a...complicated summer."

"Complicated?" Noah's jaw drops.

"Really, Damon? That bitch?" Alyce crosses her arms.

"What happened?" I ask reluctantly.

Damon huffs out, "I didn't come here to be attacked, my friends."

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