Chapter Twenty Seven

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You were worth the wait.-Rachel to Ross, Friends

The ice cold air is sobering me up a lot faster than I'd like. I think back on what I said on the balcony, and want to curl up in a ball and die. It's like my drunk self loves embarrassment.

Noah and I walk along the snow covered path back to the hotel. He offers his arm and I grab hold of him, using him to steady my steps on the uneven ground.

"Remind me to never let you drink," Noah says dryly, chuckling as we trudge through the snow. "You get flirty and I don't know how to react."

"Aw, come on," I joke lightly. "You're Noah Jackson, you've probably had a million girls flirt with you while they're drunk. It's nothing new."

Noah shakes his head slowly. "None of them ever mattered. Not in the way you do."

I frown. What does he mean by that? "Well, this freezing ass temperature is definitely sobering me up, so you can relax now."

Noah laughs, "Noted. I will say though, drunk Diana is hilarious."

"Glad I could amuse you."

We finally make it back to my hotel room. The silence in comparison to the party's noise is so relaxing. I collapse onto the couch, suddenly exhausted.

Noah brings me a glass of water, and I take a greedy sip. I finish the glass in a matter of gulps, and Noah gives me another cup, placing it on the coffee table in front of me.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped any boundaries back at the party," I apologize as Noah sits down beside me. "I wasn't thinking before speaking."

Noah smiles at me, "don't worry about that. To me, everything you do is perfect."

"Noah..." I murmur. His charming words make me blush.

"Don't say my name like that," Noah says quietly.

"Like what?"

" a prayer to a religion only you follow." He says desperately.

I tilt my head, mesmerized by his choice of words. He has a way of speaking in poems and laughing in songs. He is every form of art, all in one.

I study his face; memorizing every little detail that trails across his features. He has a small amount of freckles, sprinkled across his face from the sun. His tan skin compliments those beautiful, hazel eyes and I find myself entranced by him. He is so beautiful, in every single way. I almost ache from the desperation I feel, from the need to reach out and touch him.

At what moment did my heart cease to be mine?

"I can't help it," I reply honestly.

Noah's eyes flicker down to my lips and I catch the mischievous glint in his eyes. "If you keep looking at me like that, it's going to be really hard to not kiss you."

I don't say anything; a silent invitation. Before he could close the distance between us, the hotel room door opens.

Alyce, Thalia and Katia enter our room, giggling and stumbling. They catch sight of us, at our close proximity and laugh more.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to...interrupt," Thalia grins.

"You didn't interrupt anything," I reply hastily. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Noah frown slightly.

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