Chapter Thirty Four

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Soul meets soul on lovers' lips.-Percy Bysshe Shelley, Prometheus Unbound

Normally, I'd be sad about returning to school, but I finally get to see Noah again after our kiss. I never realized how much I actually get to see Noah; break somehow felt emptier without him.

Alyce's car pulls up in my driveway. I enter the passenger side, smiling at my best friend.

Alyce gasps, "you had sex!"

My jaw drops at Alyce's coarse (albeit usual) language. "What? No!" I screech. "What made you say that?"

Alyce looks at me, her eyes darting across my face, as if trying to decipher if I am actually lying. "You never smile in the morning," Her eyes narrow and her tone suggests skepticism. She pulls out of my driveway in silence, then continues, "Something happened..."

"I mean, Noah and I kissed," I blurt out, too excited to keep it in. I'm just a girl, after all.

"What?" Alyce screams, jerking the steering wheel so hard we almost crash into a nearby tree. She quickly straightens out the car, causing us to swerve. "That's an even bigger deal!"

"Than having sex?" I question, finding her reaction amusing.

"I thought it was a random hookup!" Alyce exclaims. "I honestly never thought you two stubborn kids would ever admit you have feelings for each other."

"You and me both," I mutter, half begrudgingly and half relieved.

"Well, I can finally die happy," Alyce says lightly. We pull into our school's parking lot. Alyce messily parks, not bothering to adjust her crooked car. God. What an absolute menace.

I find Noah standing out front with our group of friends. All I can do is look at him: the light of the sun gives the illusion of a halo around his head. If this is a dream, never wake me up. If this is Heaven, know that I will live my eternity in utter happiness.

I guess I had loved Joshua. I had loved him the way any sixteen year old would fall for pretty eyes and a dangerous personality. This time, it is different. This time, it would end differently.

Noah catches my eyes and he smiles, bright and beautiful. "Hey, love."

"Hey, Noah."

"Oh, get a room," Hunter says sarcastically. His arm is holding Alyce snugly around the waist. "I could cut the sexual tension with a knife."

Alyce whacks Hunter on the shoulder. "Let them have their moment."

"Too late, you guys ruined it," Mackenzie drawls. Damon has his arm around her, with Mackenzie's fingers intertwining with his. All these couples. Would Noah and I become another pair in this group?

I vaguely notice that Amelia isn't around, but I don't ask about it. When the others bid us goodbye and start heading to class, Noah stops me. He grabs my hand and pulls me back, waiting for everyone to retreat.

"I think we should talk," he says, hand still holding mine.

"Alright, let's talk." I agree easily, though a nervousness settles in my stomach.

"Amelia called me last night and told me how she felt about me," Noah says slowly, watching me, waiting for a reaction. "I didn't really know what to say so I told her I'd go out with her after school to get some coffee and talk."

"What are you going to say?" I feel like I just drank six cups of coffee.

"That I'm falling in love with someone else," Noah says softly, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. "That I'm sorry, but things have changed and I don't feel the same way about her."

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