Chapter Twenty Nine

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I tried spending my nights under someone new, but the truth is I could spend my whole life getting over you.-Lauv, Getting Over You

I never got the chance to talk to Noah about the necklace. Five days fly by, and every time we hang out in a group, Amelia is always by his side. Whenever I had asked to hang out alone, he has already made plans with Amelia or Damon and Hunter.

Tonight is my opportunity to talk to him. It is New Year's Eve, and we are all going to a party at Joshua's house. He had invited essentially half the school, so despite my group's less than positive perception of him, we had decided to go earlier this week.

Alyce, Thalia, Katia and Mackenzie come over to my place at around 9 o'clock to get ready for the party.

After a half hour of doing our makeup and changing outfits, Alyce finally pipes up, "so, does anyone know if the croissant is coming tonight?"

Katia rolls her eyes, "come on, she's not that bad, guys. Noah is clearly into Diana; there really isn't any competition."

"She is that bad," Thalia grumbles. "She's French!"

"Guys, it's fine," I interject before they can start saying anything too rude. "I'm planning on talking to him at some point tonight, and everything will finally be cleared up."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Mackenzie grins. "Let's go."

❀ ❀ ❀

I am sipping on a cooler, wanting to have as little alcohol in my body as possible so I can talk to Noah coherently. I just want a little bit to help with the nerves. Unfortunately, I am sitting on a couch beside Noah with Amelia on his other side.

"I can't believe you aren't dating anyone," Amelia says to Noah. I roll my eyes and lean against the couch arm. Alyce and Hunter both shoot me sympathetic looks. "You deserve someone special in your life."

"Don't worry about me," Noah looks my way and grins. "I have everyone I need."

Suddenly, Amelia grabs Noah's face and kisses him. Right in front of everyone.

Alyce's jaw drops, "are you fucking kidding me?"

I abruptly stand up from the couch and storm away, unable to contain the irritation, jealousy and sadness that comes over me all at the same time. I feel a lump begin to form in my throat that I hastily swallow, trying desperately to ignore the need to cry.

A hand grasps my wrist, pulling me back. I turn and face Noah, who looks beyond confused. "Where are you going?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know," I mumble, looking anywhere but his eyes. "Away from you two. Couldn't wait to get a room?"

"What's wrong?" He frowns, and it sounds so sincere that I forget for a moment that he had just been kissing Amelia. I'm not mad; I don't have the right to be. He's not my boyfriend and I know I don't have a say in which girls he kisses. If anything, I feel more heartbroken. But that isn't his fault.

"Do you like her?" I asked him quietly.

Noah is silent for a second, a look of surprise on his face. "I haven't thought about it," He says, his tone continuing to be confused.

"Whoa, back off," Josh pushes Noah away. Where had he come from? "Can't you see she doesn't want to talk?"

"This is none of your business, man," Noah tells Joshua. "I need to talk to Diana."

"Not right now," I speak up, finally looking Noah in the eyes. "I'm sure Amelia's waiting for you. I'll be fine."

Noah looks like he wants to say something else, but with a look of defeat, he turns and heads back to the living room. To Amelia. I feel myself being embraced by Josh, and I returned the hug, needing the company.

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