Chapter 36 - The Devil's Triumph

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Joe walked away and left Jack in the car. He walked towards Alice who was talking with the police. It was clear that she was overwhelmed with the situation.

The officer said, "Thank you for cooperating with us, Ms. Simone. We'll give you further information to attend the hearing once the investigations were done. For now, we'll have to interrogate Mr. Kione for a day. We'll get back to you."

"Yes, please. Thank you for informing me about the recent murder too, officer.", she nodded.

"Mr. Schmidt provided us sufficient information for an arguable point of view which helps us figure this out more."

Joe just smiled and casually gestured a salute position.

The officer walked away and then Joe talked,

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. You're safe now."

She sighed. "I just can't believe everything that happened."

"I told you, his motive was very obvious."

She didn't reply and she just kept on watching the scene. Parked police cars were outside his house and the other officers were raiding Jack's house. It was partly chaotic and relieving now that the suspect was caught.

He said "From following where you live, charming you, leading you on, gaining your trust, pulling on your heartstrings to having a relationship with you. He puts you on a psychological blindspot, Al. So you won't suspect him."

He had correctly deduced Alice's innocence in the situation.

She said "I just feel guilty because he shared his history with me. He confided in me."

"Oh come on, that was an act! He did that so he would appear to be the victim."

"I just can't process everything right now. It's too much."

"Well, at least we're safe now." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Then all of a sudden, they were shocked by a very loud sound produced by the car Jack was in.

(car honking)

The officer outside said "What the hell?"

He came close to the car and saw Jack stepping on the car horn. He was purposely making a noise. The officer opened the door and said "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Jack screamed, "Alice! Stay away from Joe!"

Alice and Joe heard it from afar. Alice was confused.

Joe said "He's insane. Officer! He's exhibiting aggressive behavior. Take him to the office immediately before he cause harm here."

The officer talked to Jack, "What are you trying to say?"

"Officer, that man is not who you think he is. He changed his identity, if that's not how a criminal mind works then I don't know what is. Please hear me out."

"Mr. Schmidt said you were suffering from hallucinations."

"I came from his house after seeing him collapse in the sidewalk. I saw his room! It was full of photos of the victims!"

"Your victims?"

"Please just hear me out first! I saw he got my biodata and my medical records. He knew my history! He studied me! I fell down because I felt a needle on the back of my neck. He tranquilized me! Then I woke up the next day in my room. He knew the passcode in my apartment! He probably dressed me up, knew my clothes! Anything! Officer, something was up!"

Hidden SanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora