Chapter 24 - Breathe Out

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Jack talked while they were hugging, "Do you want to sleep in my apartment instead? Just for tonight."

She said "Not here. It's unsettling. Not anywhere near. He might hurt you too if he comes back."

Jack smiled knowing that Alice was concerned about him. Alice is slowly going back to her sentimentalist self.

He replied, "Then shall we go somewhere else?"

She pulled back and looked at him, "But it's near 6 already."

He shrugged while shaking his head, "And what about the sunrise?"

"We have work."

"And who are you with by the way?"

Alice smiled for the first time again. She said "Alright, Mr. President."

He gazed at her smiling face like he missed it his entire life.

"I missed you, Alice."

Jack was upfront to what he feels. Alice loves that about him.

She felt that the terrors of what happened lately were slowly paved by his presence.

She stepped backwards while saying "Do I have to pack my things?"

"You should."

She packed some of her belongings, good for at least two nights. Jack didn't leave her as she packed, protecting her from any harm that might happen although it was done and over, she just wanted Alice to feel secure with him.

It didn't take her so long so they went to his apartment next for him to pack his.

She entered his apartment. It is now neat and the things around are back in order like nothing happened.

Before he packs his things, he turned to face Alice again like he never wanted her to be out of sight. He slightly smiled as he grabbed her hand again and played with her fingers.

They were both not talking, just staring at each other's eyes.

Jack said "I might need to leave you here for a while. I won't be that long." like he was asking for permission if he could go on and pack his things from his bedroom.

Alice looked at her hand as he played with her fingers, flirting. She noticed his hand with fresh wounds.

 She noticed his hand with fresh wounds

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It worried her.

"What happened to your hand?"

He looked at his hand and said "Oh, this?" He raised it and looked at it closely. He chuckled, "I punched the mirror lately."


"Well, I'm a wreck without you too, Alice."

Then they both giggled.

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